I spent a lot of my school holidays at Aston Park, always seem to be sunny, and warm. 8)
Does anybody remember the fountain at the back of Aston Hall?, it was a Grecian type statue, and i think it was supposed to be Pan, not sure, however during the war the fountain didn't work. but there was water covered with green slime. It was in the middle of a beautiful lawn, and we kids, (nobody else either) were supposed to walk on the grass. But we did, when the parkie wasn't about. One day, i was kneeling on the side, and suddenly found myself taking a dive and finished up covered in green slime. I dont remember anybody pushing me, so i must have fallen. The burning question now was, how to get out of the park without being seen by the parkie, because there was no doubt he would have known how i'd got wet. Managed it though. Happy Days!! :lol: I think?