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paddington st


Staff member
hi mike...i am taking a trip down the old end shortly and i wondered when time permits if you would kindly post me a map pin pointing 4 house court 2...think on my birth cert its got 8 back of 12...im pretty sure that berry close has now taken over what was paddington st...if memory serves me right im sure that there was a wall where the toilets were in the yard and i used to climb up and we could see into geach st courtyards....mind you it was a long time ago:D

thanks mike...

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Below is map you want. It shows back 12 in red. Not certain where 8 back of 12 is. It is court 2, as you thought. Have also tried to superimpose map on google view

morning mike....i think you have it bang on...my house was on the left as you came down an entry and that looks like an entry on the map also there was only one more house next to ours in which my nans sister lived although she was on the front and then there was a wall dividing court 2 from court 4.and from memory there where a couple of brewhouses next to that wall which i think i can also see on the map...so it all looks like it fits to me...

thank you mike this is a great help...its just that when i go down i would really like to work out as near as i can the exact place where the house was...

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must get my birth cert out mike as im not sure now if it isnt 4 back of 12 but that is definately my house you marked out....all these backs confuse me lol
hi mike..could you mark out where no 5 paddington st was please on the map you posted on post 2....

thanks mike...

strange mike...when you looked up an e roll for me earlier my nan and grandad were at no 5....from what the family have said it was more or less opposite no 12...

thanks for looking mike..much appreciated...

Sorry Lyn. got confused by the search function of the electoral rolls missing out a page and a possible misreading of a map. The first two houses on the northern side are 5 & 7, so no 5 is the first house (marked in blue) I still think the 1951 map (which has (blurred) numbers on it) looks like 7 & 9 rather than 5 & 7, but this is not relating to 1951
morning mike and thanks for looking again and sorting me out....now all i have to do is keep plodding on trying to find any pics of this street...3 and half years later and i still do not have one single pic..

nan was bought up at back of 12 (red on the map) after she got married she moved to no 5 with grandad and thats where our mom was born...she then moved back to back of 12 bringing up her 3 daughters by herself after grandad died in 1939/40....our mom and dad moved into back of 12 with nan after they married and thats where i was born...and our nans sister elsie lived on the front at no 14 so this street is very important to my family history...my search for pics continues...must be some out there somewhere...

thanks again mike...
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Lynn I am not sure about this picture, whether I have got it off the Forum or elsewhere. If its off the Forum apologies for repeating it. It would have to be put down to a senior moment!! Carol
hi carolina and thanks for thinking off me..ive got this pic showing just a little bit of paddington st...its the only one ive got but please dont be put off...if you find any pic your not sure of just post it because you never know...

thanks again...
