I have mentioned a couple of times recently that it seems almost impossible to access maps on this site, presumably because of overload caused by much greater use during social distancing. today the Facebook page of the site displayed this message:
Recently we have had problems with the loading of maps on the website. The issue is generally with the quantity of distributed load that we are seeing. The web site is functioning fine at off-peak times, but at busy periods, the mapping servers are showing their age!
Over the next week or so we will start to put in place something that might alleviate the issue, however the root cause will remain, unfortunately.
We are looking at a long term solution. Meanwhile, we will set up a cloud cache for the map tiles, so that at least when you view the same area as another user, the mapping will respond much more quickly.
We are also starting to seed this cache, so frequently accessed areas should load much faster. This update will be coming soon.
Thanks for your patience and support.
Hopefully this may improve the situation somewhat
Recently we have had problems with the loading of maps on the website. The issue is generally with the quantity of distributed load that we are seeing. The web site is functioning fine at off-peak times, but at busy periods, the mapping servers are showing their age!
Over the next week or so we will start to put in place something that might alleviate the issue, however the root cause will remain, unfortunately.
We are looking at a long term solution. Meanwhile, we will set up a cloud cache for the map tiles, so that at least when you view the same area as another user, the mapping will respond much more quickly.
We are also starting to seed this cache, so frequently accessed areas should load much faster. This update will be coming soon.
Thanks for your patience and support.
Hopefully this may improve the situation somewhat