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Newport House School, Harborne


Brummie babby
Newport House School, Harborne, was my first school. I left in 1950 when I was 9, as we moved to Surrey, but I have very happy memories of my time there and would like to find out more about the school. I have posted on the Harborne thread, but wondered if someone on this thread might be able to tell me something about its history and what became of it. I seem to remember it was a two-storey red brick house with a lovely garden, with mostly girls as pupils, though there were a few boys. I know the headmistress was Mrs. Hands, and I think it was close to the Blind Institute, which made some of our school uniform. I don’t remember its exact location - somewhere at the top end of Fellows Lane or in Court Oak Road. Looking on the map, I wonder if the Baskerville School could be where it once was. I would love to hear from other former students.
Thank you so much, Mike, for your quick reply. What an amazing forum! May I ask how you found the address? Does your source show what type of school it was (any church affiliation?) or show a date when it was still in operation? It's sad that it's been pulled down. I hope you don't mind me asking for more info - I'm very grateful for every little bit! Elizabeth
First, due to a slip of the fingers, i put 19 court house road. It should have been 21 Court house road. I have corrected that in the original post. the info was from the 1949 kellys directory. the entry is as follows:
21 Newport House School (Mrs. Ruth Grace Hands . B.sc.hons.,M.E.S.T. principal), private school

I'm afraid that is all I know
Thank you for the correction and for giving me Mrs. Hands' full name, which could be helpful. Is there a Kellys or other directory for the years before 1946 or after 1950, which might show how long the school was in operation? It's very kind of you to take the trouble, and I'm very grateful for every little piece of information I can gather. Elizabeth
It was there in 1936, but not 1933. similarly it was there in 1950, but in 1955-6 listing was just :
21 Hands Mrs. Ruth Grace B.SC
So i reckon she must have retired and still lived in the house. By 1962 she was no longer there.

Thank you once again, Mike - so it probably lasted less than 20 years. I am trying to write a family history for my grandchildren here in Australia, and was hoping for a few more details or even photos of the schools I went to. Sadly all 3 have been demolished, but I must thank you also for introducing me to the Google satellite and street views - at least I can see where they used to be! One more question – can anyone tell me where I would find some record of this school? I presume some Education Authority would have to register and inspect all private schools – who could I write to or email about it? At least now I have some concrete details, thanks to you, Mike. Elizabeth
I have been traveling down memory lane via Google Earth, and in transit found "Newport House School" - Oh, my goodness! Do I ever remember Mrs. Hands!! I was at Newport in 1945-147, when Dad had to transfer to Bolton, then came back and "graduated" in 1953. English private schools, in those days, gave us the equivalent of an American 2nd year college degree, so thanks to Mrs. Hands, when my late husband, daughter and I came to the US [via Canada] in 1960, I was able to get well paying positions with various law firms. Finding Newport House School has brought back many memorys: there used to be a rather exclusive boys school across the road, and a school for the blind down just past Fellows Lane, were I lived [#93]. I hope your memories are as happy as mine? Maureen
P.S.: Via "Google Earth" I am able to see Harborne in the 1950's, and all the way back to 1945 ... now that really brings back memories - so many that I would probably fill the computer's memory bank to over-flowing!! My e-map of "home" via Google Earth is covered with special pins showing "#93", "QE Hospital", "Newport House", ad nauseum!!! :-))
It was great to get your message, Maureen - thank you so much for replying, and thank you to the forum for finding a fellow student with whom to share memories of happy days at Newport House School. I will write to you privately as I don't think our reminiscences will mean much to anyone else on the forum.
Talk about long memory lanes!!! Fellows Lane had lovely blackberries on which to nibble on one's way to school, and walnuts, which, thanks to the squirrels, where already broken when they dropped them! It was a good place to walk our dog, Scampy, up to Court Oak Road, turn left towards Queen's Park! Oh, and how high my Dad would push me on the swings!!! I didn't go on the round-about very much because he would push that too fast, and I would get sick!!! e-letter follows
P.S.: [Wish brain could keep up!] - Liz: Remember Michael Wilby who used to live next-door to us?! :-)
I was at Newport House School, Harborne from 1944 - 1952. Have 3 photos - 1 of the staff, 1 of the school pupils in front of the Gym and 1 at Queens Park tennis courts showing 3 girls and 1 boy ( Am I allowed to mention their names? I am new to all this.). Also have 9 school reports- sad but true!
I also enjoyed my time there and the walk to school from my home, my parents had a shop opposite the Swimming Baths in Lordswood Road.
The boys school opposite Newport House (well nearly) was Harborne Collegiate School - my 3 brothers went there.
I now live in Amersham in Buckinghamshire.
Thank goodness for the "www"! A great way of finding others who also went to Newport House School - and they have photographs!!! WOW! That is one of the great disadvantages of leaving one's home-country - back in the 50's we didn't have enough room to pack such, so many hard-copy memories are now lost. E-meeting LanneB, and others, is wonderful. Thank you all for bringing happy memories back. ...Maureen...
Great to hear from you, LanneB - alerted to your message by MASTG. We must have been at the school at the same time - I would love to see your photos, if you are able to scan and send them. I have lived in Australia for over 40 years and have no records of my time there - except very happy memories!
Oh, the wonder's of the "World Wide Web"!!! Through "www" I have found a cousin who now lives in Australia, a friend of my favourite uncle, who used to play in the Foden MotorWorks Band, and now people who know that Newport House School, and Mrs. Hands, really did exist!!! [This also confirms that my brain isn't as dotty as my daughters think it is!! Yeh!] My memories of Newport House are that I was taller than most [took after my father, who was 6'1], the gym, which was also our "theatre", playing hide-and-seek, trying to learn French, and the terrible "portraits" of me, in a blue-and-white striped jumper made by our art class!!! That memory I would like to forget - I cannot remember one which did not make me want to throw up!! :-) And, thanks to having to clear house of "stuff" recently, I also found my last Report from Newport - shows my brains weren't that bad after all!! :-)
Memories of playing hide-and-seek at the golf links, and the bomb-site up near the church - can't remember the name of the church, but do know council houses were built over bomb-site after the war.
Thank you all for the wonderful trip down memory lane, and I will be watching for more of "us".
Hello "Geelong", I can send you the photos. Please send me an e-mail for your address. - I wonder who you are?! We can talk about names later. Brilliant.
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If your computer screens haven't cracked, then my image isn't in one of those pictures!! :-) I will be looking for pictures of "home" tomorrow; I know I have some of me at 93 Fellows Lane, but don't remember any from school. Take care out there.
I did find a picture of self, taken by Dad in the 40's, together with a picture of Dad, and a couple of Mum ... I have sent copies to a couple of you - don't throw-up!! :-) If you'd like to see what one may look like 65 years ago - just click on my name in the above left-hand corner, and I'll send copies to you. Am still digging down memory lane for others ... when I find them, I'll get them transferred to disc and be happy if they can kick a few more memories for you. This site has taken me back to meeting Princess Margaret at a St. John's Ambulance Brigade day, sliding down the pipes at the Harborne Fire Station .... I'd better stop! So many thanks to all of you ...Maureen...
I have today been looking on the various posts on 'Newport House School' my brother Graham and myself were there from about 1945. We lived in Oaklands Avenue and I left to go to The British School of Commerce in in about 1952. We must have passed your house on our way to school. My brother was a great friend of Brian Hands so we knew the family well. In fact when the school closed my Mother bought Mrs Hands roll top desk which she had in her study. Graham now lives in Brisbane and I live in Gloucestershire. The shop opposite the swimming baths you mention I was very familiar with if you mean the newsagents. I look fwd to hearing from you.
Hi Margaret, I remember you well. have just got an e-mail re- your entry and I find that it was posted in July! I met up with Madeline Paramore a few years ago; we met at Rackhams for coffee and were there for probably 3/4 hours. Lovely. Also been in touch with Sylvia Layton. Have you kept any photographs? Will be in touch again.
My e-mail address is anne.darshan5@ntlworld.com
Oh, my goodness!!! Today is my 76th birthday, and I couldn't have received a more wonderful birthday present than your e-mail!!!! :-) What a hoot!!!
I lived at #93, Fellows Lane from 1944 to 1955, and was at Newport House School during those years. Number 93 was on the corner of Fellows Lane and Hartsgreen. And you're correct about the newsagents! My Dad used buy his "Player's" there!
Oh, the memories!!! Thanks to Google Earth, I often travel down "Memory Lane", taking e-walks where Dad and I would take our dog Scampy for his
evening walks, or where my friend from across the street, Marion (Rutherford, she and her family lived in the police-houses on Fellows) would go and play in the fields and play "hide-and-seek" in the bomb craters!
Oh, crikey, you have started a long trip!!! :-) And I remember your name ... I DO REMEMBER YOU FROM SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!
Oh, I do look forward to hearing from you ... Thank you for the wonderful pictures that are now racing through my head!!!! What a wonderful day I am going to have! Thank you for the best birthday I could have ever wished for!!! Bless you, Margaret, bless you.
I do have a couple of old Newport House photo's, so if you would like e-copies, I'd be happy to send them! :-)
Just reading posts from pupils that went to Newport House School, I found it quite amazing. When I read yours immediately sprang to mind was Ann Baughn, (spelling incorrect) am I right? Anyhow I only remember just a few, but have had a reply but didn't have her name. Look fwd to your news, Margaret
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I am so pleased I posted this today. You havnt given me your name so I cannot place you. but yes I do remember your house with the lovely tall hedge, and the gate.
I do not have any photos but would love you to fwd to my email parkinport@aol.com Before I went to Newport House I went to Glengarry School which was not quite opposite the Library in Harborne Village, (same side as the gents loos) only further up towards the Royalty cinema. Does this ring any bells? I do remember one or two of the girls and have a photo somewhere. Enjoy the rest of this special day. Best regards Margaret
Just reading posts from pupils that went to Newport House School, I found it quite amazing. When I read yours immediately sprang to mind was Ann Baughn, (spelling incorrect) am I right? Anyhow I only remember just a few, but have had a reply but didn't have her name. Look fwd to your news, Margaret

OH, YES, I REMEMBER THE NAME ANN BAUGHN!!! Now, if memory serves, she was the daughter of the tobacconist/newsagent just of Five-Ways and an easy walk from Newport House, and I believe she spelt her name "Anne".
Re: Miss Murray Glengarry Infant School, High Street Harborne

Going back to 1945 Miss Murray had a small 'private' school named 'Glengarry'or 'Glenagary' on the opposite side to Harborne Library in a small church hall. Does anyone remember this small infan
t school?
Margaret, I vaguely remember a school at the church. I'm sure you will receive more clear memories from other's who were in Harborne during those years, so keep a close watch on this link! :-)
Hi I’m the Great Nephew of Mrs Hands . I have attached a photo taken at the school, hope it is of interest to someone.


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