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New use for Panorama software


Super Moderator
Staff member
Some time ago David Fowler posted scans of sections of a large map in the library around Lewis's, (https://forum.birminghamhistory.co.uk/showthread.php?t=22758 ) which I think was probably a fire insurance map. I have managed to attach the portions using Panorama Plus software ( which is a free download if you search for Panorama Plus SE), and it seems to give a very good join, The file is over 4 MB, but can be accessed at https://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq38/jeemikejee/aroundlewiss.jpg .
I have not as yet been as successfull in joining sections from the online 1890 maps, which seem to not join properly, but will be persevering..
Excellent Mike. Still getting to know the program but it seems to work by locating common elements. If not found it seems to abandon one of the photos.