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"New buildings", Price Street


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I know price St has come up before, but doesn't seem to be a thread, so thought this needed new thread. Have been doing an Astoness, so to speak, and discovered by cuttings book of long ago. this is from 1980 just before they modernised it. Sorry its in two parts, but my scanner isn't big enough, and, as it is in a book its difficult to keep flat for photo. the original scan had a lot more MB, so had to reduce it. Don't think I lost any detail though
Have replaced after the hack with the complete page as joined by john on post below

hi mike..thats a good idea of mine...lol....thanks for the cuttings ....very interesting..got a couple of piccies here... the gun factory showing in pic 1 on the left is the same one thats in pic 2..i took this about 16 months back....bulls head pub on the right of pic 1

Hello, I'm interested in New Buildings, Price St- I'm currently researching the Parsons family- Jabal Parsons is listed in the 1878 White's Directory as working as a gun barrel filer at this address. I was a little confused as this wasn't his home address- but, as Astoness has mentioned a gun factory, perhaps he was working from premises there? Does Price Street have a long history of gun trade?
In 1878 Jabal's home address would have been Whitehead Road, Aston- or he may have just moved down the road into Park Lane. I can't find Price Street- is it far from these addresses?
Any help would be great!
Just to add:Have now found- part of the Gun Quarter. Have also found him in 1868 Kelly's at New Buildings- so I think it must have been work premises.
Not that many home addesses are listed in early directories. To have been so listed must have meant that the man was reasonably well off, though whites directory is more likely to list the home address than Kellys or Post Office directories. The 1873 entry confirms that his home was in Whithead rd, but business in price st. New building seem to have been built between 1862 and 1867. The directory mentions are:

No mention of Jabal (or New Buildings) in 1862
1867-72 Parsons Jabal, gun barrel maker, 23 New buildings, Price street
1873 Parsons Jabal, gun barrel filer, 23 New buildings, Price street ; home: Richmond place, Whitehead road, Aston
1876-82 Parsons Jabal, gun barrel filer, 23 New buildings, Price street
From 1883 till at least 1895 no 23 New buildings is not listed, and no other klisting of Jabal
Mikejee- that's great, thankyou so much! Jabal died in 1882, hence no listings after this time. I believe he was quite succesful in the gun trade- his father Joseph of Fordraugh, Park Lane, and son Joseph of Alma Street, were also barrel filers.

Many thanks
Hi message for Mikejee, you seem very clued up on this area where my family were living,do you have any more information and photos or where i may be able to get hold of any,thanks for paper clipping.
My great grandfather was Thomas Randell 1858 - 1923 who lived with his wife Charlotte nee Benbow and their family at 13 court 7 House Lancaster Street,my great grandfather was also a Gun Filler/Fitter Smith can you you see if he is mentioned in any of the Kellys directories for Price Street.
I am aware he may have worked at St Marys Row in a Workshop at the back of the famous factroy their i think was the Greener factory, i am also interested in old photos/postcards of Loveday Street and Price Street/Lancaster Street as i have a strong connection to the area.My dads aunt Annie Randell died in Price Street in 1908 aged 4, accidental death, and his sister also called Annie died at 28 Loveday Street in 1927 which i believe was the maternity hospital but i still havent found where they are buried,
best regards
Had a look and did find him:
1903-13 Randel Thomas, gun maker, 16 (back of) St. Mary's row. He had gone by 1915.
There were seven separate people listed in back no 16, and two or three (depending on year) listed at no 16. The individuals changed, but included other gun makers, checkers, percussioners, barrel browners, barrel filers, gun action filers, gun screwer and gun engravers.