This thread has been busy tonight, but with good reason - what a dreadful proposal this is!
I love libraries, and well remember the old Central Reference and Lending Libraries as a schoolboy in the 1940s and a student and later in the 1950s.
I genuinely thought a new library would be a big improvement, but . . . .
Sadly the Council took some appalling decisions when they commissioned John Madin & Partners to design a new library and the result has been a disappointment from the start. In the last year or two the problem has compounded as a result of second-rate materials and/or workmanship and/or maintenance, so that water has been dripping through the flat roof into the local achives section, and we punters have to negotiate a slalom to avoid the buckets under the worst leaks when it rains. Meanwhile the security of the archives is at risk.
As for the new proposal, I can't take it seriously. It numbs me more than upsets me - in the 1950s I worked in the City Architect's Department on the redevelopment of the Civic Centre area, and of course I believed in what we were doing. At the time I remember no talk of a 'new' Repertory Theatre, but it materialised ten or more years later. And the new library was only being pushed by Sir Herbert Manzoni to make room for his Inner Ring Road adventure, which ruined the whole of our city centre.
The function of libraries is changing dramatically at the moment, and I quietly hope that financial constraints will prevent any building work being done.
But on the other hand the present library is a disaster, too.