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National Archives - Military Search Help Please



I am searching for the records or information on the following. Cannot find my way around the National Archives, actually I have been going round in circles and not getting anywhere.
The two names I am interested in are

Stephen MACKAY 148913 Sgt RAF from Birmingham (His name was really Mackey but it was misspelt) He was born in about 1876 in Staffordshire.

Denis( misspelt with a double n - Dennis) Needle , or Needle D.S. Joined the RNAS service No. F50819 which I have the service records for but then he was transferred to the RAF in August 1918 with a new service No. 251049 as an engineer fitter. These records I can't find.

Can anyone help me out please? Thanks
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Thanks Aiden,

It sends you to the National Archives which I have just spent another half on and I can't work out how to make a search for an airman. Press one button and it sends you back to where you have just been. I will have another go tomorrow.....

Please try the forum https://www.ww2talk.com/.

This is a British and Commonwealth biased ww2 forum, but they look at everthing they are given. and many members know the National archives system very well.
I would put it in the Prewar part of the forum and give them everything you have on the subject.
A please and a thank you works wonders with these very knowledgable members. If you post back later what you have found out it may help others and extend their data base. cheers Arkright.
Thank you for the imput Arkrite, I will give that a try.

Thanks again Aiden. I looked at your search and I noticed it was Air76.
When I looked earlier, I was directed to Air79 for non com officers or airmen. Stephen Mackay was a sergeant so I don't think he would be in that section. But again, thanks

I would be interested to know the answer when you find it - wish you luck and hope you let us know
HI Aiden,
I tried the the WW2 forum and someone did have a go at locating them but without joy. He then suggested trying the Great War forum, but I couldn't post onto the site for some reason, at which point I gave up for the time being - I'll have another go soon.

Thanks for your imput

Good luck Humph - I have a non-com in the RFC in my tree so would love to know any route you find to info
Humph, the collection known as AIR 79 consists of a large number of folders, each one containing the records of a number of men. The records are in order of the airmen's numbers. They are original documents, not films or digital, and are big things - bigger than foolscap. Now on searching the TNA catalogue online for you I can't find an AIR79 reference for either Stephen or Denis either, which is very curious. There's only one way to find out more and that is to look atAIR78 which is a microfilmed set of index cards. The two men should be in there and it may give a vital clue or two. It's not online, unfortunately.
Cheers Chris,
That would mean, I suppose, going down to Kew to see them?
(anyone going to Kew????) whisper
Thanks for your help
It would mean that. I usually go to Kew about once a week but not this or next due to holidays. If this is still open the week after that I would be delighted to have a look.
Hi Chris,
I meant that aside as a bit of a joke, not thinking that anyone would be down that way, but if you are able when you go, I would be very very appreciative. I cannot imagine being able to go there for some time if at all. so thanks a lot for the offer. This site is so brilliant for help.....
