On Thursday morning I had to say goodbye to my beloved tiny yorkie Busby(our Buzz).
He would have been 13 on 6th April but he had Cushings disease for a couple of years and although he was on medication he was fine until he quickly deteriated on Wednesday night..After a seemingly endless night in which Steve and I took turns to cuddle him we went to the Vets as soon as they opened , our Vet is so kind and compassionate.
Then we took Buzz to a wonderful pet crematorium in the countryside near Atherstone.I told them how sad I was because I had never spent a night without him and the lovely man there said he would make sure I never did and he made it possible for us to collect his casket in the evening.
Alice our other Yorkie is a bit quiet, I expect she is wondering where he is.
I have always had 2 yorkies but not again, I am getting too old to put myself through this heartache time and time again.
Goodness these pets get under your skin don't they, i haven't cried yet today but I will before bedtime.I know it will get better but for now it hurts.
He would have been 13 on 6th April but he had Cushings disease for a couple of years and although he was on medication he was fine until he quickly deteriated on Wednesday night..After a seemingly endless night in which Steve and I took turns to cuddle him we went to the Vets as soon as they opened , our Vet is so kind and compassionate.
Then we took Buzz to a wonderful pet crematorium in the countryside near Atherstone.I told them how sad I was because I had never spent a night without him and the lovely man there said he would make sure I never did and he made it possible for us to collect his casket in the evening.
Alice our other Yorkie is a bit quiet, I expect she is wondering where he is.
I have always had 2 yorkies but not again, I am getting too old to put myself through this heartache time and time again.
Goodness these pets get under your skin don't they, i haven't cried yet today but I will before bedtime.I know it will get better but for now it hurts.