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Missing our 3 black cats SO much!


master brummie
In February of this year, because of one more mental next door neighbour in council accomodation, the wife, myself and our 4 month old girl were forced to move into private rented housing. Due to the landlord living next door and being on a main road, the last thing we could do was take the 3 black cats that we love so much.
Andrea had owned Thor for 12 years since she was a kitten. Over the years, she had a few litters of cats herself, all of which died after Andrea hand feeding them and nursing them like her own children. Only one cat survived, Rascal the big boy of the 3.
Later Missy, the youngest was added after Andrea's ex gave her up. I took her on as my little girl, and she had a rough time with some serious time spent in the vet, with her being close to death for a while, aged only 12 months. She pulled through and developed a great little personality, as they all did.
We miss them all so very much, and after being donated to the Cats protection, we hope they found loving homes. They are such a huge part of who we both are now, and our prayers are with them every single day for a happy life.


My little Missy.


Fatty Rascal


"Fluffs" Thor

And finally a video I threw together with a lump in my throat. I still can't watch it!!
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6XjUD7vo54"]YouTube - Cats 0001[/ame]

Thanks for looking all

Oh Neil that is so sad and I have a lump in my throat too. We support a local charity called cat's in care and the work they do is fantastic. We would not have cats again as the neighbours the one side hate them and Pete said he would always be fighting. Some people just can't tollerate them so I have to put up with fussing Pudding and Poppy my twins cats. So sorry about your story and I will watch your video in the morning when I am wide awake. TTFN. Jean.
Thank you Jean for the kind comments. I'm afraid you will always find some people who make life difficult to live. I'm afraid that those kind of people are the cause of where we live now(great place) but we lack the loving animals we wanted to keep with us until nature took it's course. We have our little girl to raise now, but the hurt will never go away, it just stays hidden away for a while:(
Norma I can't wait till the morning and am going to watch it tonight. Our black cat never did come back down the van and we miss him so much. I hope they have or can be re-homed together Neil. Jean.
That was beautiful. I feel so sad for you both and knew I should have waited till in the morning before watching it. Good job I don't wear mascara. Jean.
Neil, I've never been a great cat lover but your beautiful tribute to your great loss really moved me in a special way. Thanks for sharing what must be a terrible grief I'll bet that wasn't easy for you to post.

oh neil...i have never seen such a sad video....the tears flowed:cry:

what a terrrible decision for you and your wife to have to make...i have four cats myself and wouldnt be without them...the last one named mo i had from barnes hill cats home and she is so faithfull....

i do hope that one day you will be in position to once again give a cat/cats a loving home as i beleive all pets need dedicated owners like yourselves....



Well I cried some tears reading this and watching the video. Do you know if they have found a new home? I really hope they have, and hopefully one together.

All the best Ann
Ann I woke up thinking about Neil and those beatiful cats. I too hope they have gone together. Jean.
its very sad neil. pity they couldnt have been rehomed by someone you knew. i think the charitys will tell you if and when they have been rehomed, perhaps you could ring and ask. when my mom had to give up her dog she rang afterwards and was told when he had been adopted. they are very beautiful cats so i am sure they would have been snapped up.
That is so sad Neil, what a lovely film of your beautiful cats. I do hope they will find a home together. Our cats came from a rescue centre, and we were vetted first to see if we were suitable so I am sure they will go to a good home.

same thing here judy..we chose our mo...then someone came to the house to check us out before we were allowed to collect her...6 months later they paid us another call....better that than the animals going to just anyone...

i really feel for neil and his wife..

Well!! What a response from you all, thank you all SO much for the lovely, kind comments.
I'm happy to say that 2 of the cats(Missy and Rascal) were homed together as they were always always happiest that way. Thor was always happier on her own, and sort of resented the other 2 in a way. Funny things they were/are. I know they'll be happy, it's just I feel selfish in the sense that I don't want anyone to feel the love that Ange and myself did/do, as they are OUR cats!! LOL

Once again, thanks all, and hopefully we'll be in a position to home cats again in the future.;)

And me, I woke up thinking about them. I do get so upset about animals. When I went to bed last night, I couldn't stop worrying about them. And such beautiful cats. It would be lovely if they were rehomed together.


You posted, while I was posting. Thank you for the update. That is good to know.

Hi all,

Well it's been a LONG couple of years without the cats. We still miss them like crazy, but not long after we had settled in to where we currently live, I found out all 3 of them had been adopted by loving families who have had cats before. I was so glad, but at the same time a little more saddened by the fact we will never see Missy, Rascal or Thor again. A small part of me kind of hoped they would still be there when we eventually bought our own place! LOL!
Well, that is happening this year, and we will be moving soon to our own house. I have already been in touch with the Wythall Cats Protection adoption centre where our 3 babies went, with the hope of a home visit/assesment to see if they will accept us as an adopting family for another cat. We've got so much love for cats, and want to help out where we can, just like people did for our 3.
Naturally, if and when it happens, I'll post some photo's up here!!

Neil, I do hope that you have some success adopting a cat. We have four and I know just how much part of the family they are. Let's hope we get some lovely photo's from you of the new arrival soon.
I daren't watch it!!! We are off on holiday tomorrow and I have to leave my great lump for a week. A neighbour is going to look after her, but you worry yourself silly. We live in a small village so I know she will be ok, and at least the weather is better now and she has a nice shelter. I'll look at the video when I come back. The tabby tiger has gone now sadly but I still have the ginger little girl.
Speak soon:)

LyndaView attachment 66800
Well, after the long drawn out process of buying a house, my fater-in-law arriving from Australia, going on holiday to Bude and absolutley no sleep due to a teething, crying 11 month old daughter............we have adopted 2 domestic shorthairs from Wythall cats protection centre!!!!! Both 4 years old, have come from a young family with children, but have been looking for a home since March this year. Poor things! 3 days of hiding under our bed, listening to all the new noises, and they are really starting to come out of their shells now. Boo Boo is the lord of the house already, being rather too adventurous for my liking, and Bee Bee is a little more timid, and loves cuddles either on the bed or on my lap! Both are great with the kids, even the baby!!!!
As posted in another thread, here they are:
Boo Boo

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Bee Bee
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I'm sure Bee Bee and Boo Boo have found a loving home with you and your family. Lovely photo's and well done for adopting them.