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map request please


Staff member
hi mike...i was just thinking about my school days at farm st school and remember coming out the back gate at bridge st west and walking a short distance to a four classroomed annexe with small playground..it was in newly named stainsby avenue which is just round from unett st..there was maisonettes opposite the annexe which are still there but the annexe has now been demolished and new houses built..and i was wondering what old street was demolished to make way for stainsby avenue..would you be able to work it out for me please if you have a map of where stainsby avenue is now..looking at this map it looks like part of barr st went or even gt king st but i cant be sure as im lost now...:D

thanks mike...:)
I have superimposed the c 1955 map on google earth , and this shows that there was no road before in the position that Stainsby Av. is now

thank you mike i couldnt be sure of that...wil take a little walk round that area next time i am that way...


Hi Lyn,

I went to the annexe for my 3rd year in juniors 1964-5 - Mr Brown - great bloke. - We built a wooden sledge with him - and I got to keep it at the end of term! - Not much snow though that winter!

Went back to the main school for my 4th year with Mr Berry 1965-66 - We did some great big paintings of historical scenes - always wondwered what happened to them?
Did my 11+ with him, but left at Easter when the bulldozers finally caught up our house - it was 1 of the last 2 between New John St & Bridge St Guest St & Gt King St - Very Lonely - always think of it when i see the pictures of what little is standing on the Hiroshima photo's!

Presumably knocked down after the main school was demolished? Pity 'cause it was just about the newest thing around there by than!

good grief bri we must have been going there at the same time then but i would have been a year ahead of you...i remember mr brown and mr berry which one was welsh or was it both of them:) do you member mrs dugard..i can remember her as if it was yesterday sitting on one of the tables in the classroom that overlooked the maisonettes eating her lunch and staring into space...the annexe was still there about 10 years back...it was certainly there when i lived in geach tower..just wished i had taken a pic of it then...in fact im sure i have seen one somewhere but i cant recall where...

happy days...:)
HI Lyn,

Mrs Dugard rings a bell, but I don't recall having her - Up to 2nd year is just a blur!
I was 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B - claimed the A class was cleverer - but just talk. Only 2 of us passed (as far as I know) 11+ Terry Biles in 4A & me in 4B

Mr Brown was Welsh, reasonably young - compared to most teachers! - very informal - used to have a quiz book without any answers - we would struggle for days with some until we agreed on an answer!
I was only in the annes for 3B - think it had just been built or maybe the year before?
Mr Berry was much older, more stricter - dark, receding hair - was making a model of a Georgian mansion when we was in 4B, as well as the large paintings.
Could be quite abrupt, but a good teacher for all that.
I left April '66 cause we moved, otherwise I would have left July '66 & probably gone to Handsworth grammer.
My sister went to Smith St, 1 brother to Harry Lucas, and the eldest to Icknield St - shared us around!
My younger brother was 4 years below me in the in Infants.

I spent from Dec 65 to April 66 reading Janet & John books to newley arrived West Indians - the first ones in our year - there were many in the lower years - none of this pandering and getting translators in! Us older kids had to try and teach basic english to them.

I always smile when I think back to moving to Lea Hall - was put in Whiitington Oval J&I, but as they were crowded, half a dozen 4th years got squeezed into a 3rd year class.
I said I had passed the 11+ and just wanted to finish Juniors, but wasn't believed. They gave me a Maths book and told me to sit in the corner and get on with it - so i did.
On the 3rd day, i went to the teacher and said I've finished that - she said move on to the next chapter - I looked puzzled and siad - I finished the book - I've done all the chapters there are!
After looking at through seeing answers on all pages, she went away and checked a few - I did not get given anything else till we finished - just sat & chatted mostly in the corner!

They were not a patch on the Farm St teachers!

Do you rememeber Mr Brown, the Head, sitting in his little room at the top of the stairs in the turret, smoking his pipe?
He remembered all my elder brothers & my sister, as he seemed to for all the kids.
When I got to Central Grammer, the Head barely knew his own teachers!
oh lovely memories there bri....i think the head was mr smith not brown...lol...and yes i remember his room at the top of the turret very well...in fact give me a piece of paper and i could draw the inside of farm street from end to end....have you seen the pics i posted of the school hall and one of the classrooms...well i think i posted them under the farm st school thread..i must go and check that out...
never mind bri..happens to me a lot..think i may have posted this before but i recall that one day in the playground of the annexe i got a wrap over the knuckles for not standing in a straight line...ive never been out of line in me life lol...