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Lucas Shaftmoor Lane Branch Works 3


master brummie
My step dad, used to work at Lucas, Shaftmoor Lane in Acocks Green, as kids, we used to go the Christmas parties!!
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I Had a Friend Whom His Dad Workrd At The Lucas Plant In Shaftmoor Lane
And My Mom Had A Cousin Whom Worked At Great King Street
My Mother Was Joyce ivy Beatrice JELF ,
AND Her Cousin Was George Jelf , And He Was AN Hardend Commie.
And One Of The Former Commie Leaders In Brum
With Another Chap From Ireland AND They Set Up A Book Shop
In Mosley Village Way back in THE Twenties -Thirtyies
You Can Read More About It On The Inter-net
Also George Used TO Stand For The Council Elections At Every
Elections , In And Around B,ham And The Latter Part of His
In Small Heath In The Sixties Before He retired
But Getting Back To The Subject On Lucas,s.
George Caused AbIG Strike Down At Lucas,s Great King Street
Apparently There Was A Dispute Over Where He Was Going To
Park His Car , The Secritity Officer Claimed George Tryed To Run Him Over
That Caused The Big Strike Through Out Lucas,s
This Was i Think Was Around The Sixties
George His Still Alive And His in His Nineties He Has Lost His Hearing
Cannot Use The Phone But Vey Active On His Feet
To Look At Him You Would Not Think He,s In HIS Late NINETIES.
The Grand Father Of George AND My Mother
Started Bussiness , [ Catering ] By Selling Tea .And Sandwiches
To The Work Force Outside The Great Kings Street Of Lucas,s
This Was Before One OF The EARLY Wars This Country Had
And When He Made Enough Money He Bought A Little Shop
Down Summer lane , Where Upon He Done Hot Food ,Sandwiches
And Hot Dinners , AND He Always Put A Steaming Hot Joint OF Meat in The Window And He USED To Wear A Big WHITE Cheff,s Ht At All Times ,
Have A Nice Day Everybody Tomorrow May Never come Again
Today Is Tomorws History And Remember , If You Cry , you Cry Alone
LAUGH And The World Will Laugh With You. ASTONIAN, ;;;;;
Would some-one please tell me where Shaftmoor lane was i have forgotten. Thank you
Shaftmoor Lane

I'm so happy to find information about Lucas's. I worked at Shaftmoor Lane from leaving school, marrying while there and only leaving to have a baby. While there, I worked in every section but mainly on the straight line polisher which was a very modern machine in those days. My foreman was Tommy Gidley, a great man who died very suddenly at the age of 44 if I remember correctly - we ARE talking about a while ago ( early 60's). My chargehand, Bill Reeves took over, exchanging his white coat for a suit and actually requesting that I call him MR Reeves. I couldn't do this and laughed at him. My machine setter was John Hinckley and another one was Eric Bowley? Others on my section were Peggy Bentley, Margaret Limer, Margaret Astley? Theresa O'Sullivan? Nelly ? ( who finished my vocabular education) Harriet Guillemard? - a lovely Belgian lady, Jean Smith, Joan ?
I had some great times working there and would love to hear from anyone who remembers any of the abovementioned.
What a great shame it had to go. It was a respected institution and a key part of so many Birmingham people's lives and the community.
My wifes dad had used to work at Lucas, Shaftsmoor Lane. His name was Alf Delaney, they lived in Solihull in Glenside Avenue.

Alf Delaney is 3rd from the left, I don't know who the other blokes are.

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No Len, I don't, I was born 1964, so the late 60s, early 70s, I would have gone. My dad Brian Battle used to work in the office, on the pay roll I think.
Carol, I will ask my Wife, Carol, her name is spelt the same as yours, she worked on the payroll section she started at Lucas Aerospace in 1961 and moved on to the Aerospace payroll section later before she left in 1970 she worked on the Boss`s & Directors payroll with Megan, Cheers Len.
Hi Len

Would you get Carol to have a look on the web site Gallery 6/7 BW3 they are all wages office, would be very gratful if she could add any names

If there is anyone else out there who could have a look and name anybody on any photos on the www,lucasmemories .co.uk site I would be very happy for them to contact me


photo bw3 - 60, the guy at the back ( dark, with glasses)looks a bit like my dad(step) Brian Battle, but am not entirely sure. Need a closer look.
hi jdh,

i lived in solihull up until i moved to wales i lived in stoneleigh rd, i worked at lucas when i was 19 for about one year 1962.
hallo is there anybody out there that worked for Lucas BW3 starter and altenator factory Shaftsmoor lane between 1967 & 2001 or untill it closed ==jdh

Not I but I knew Brian Haynes (Heynes?) who was a Sales Rep there.
Hi jdh :) Worked there many times as a "Contractor" assisting Engineering/Maintenance
Removing/Repairing some large Electric Motors/Generators, H V Transformers etc
Plus lots of smaller items, Motors, Pumps. Fans,,
Was a good place to be,, Highly skilled engineers/maintenance guys and
always a good bunch to work with,, good cameraderie as in All Lucas places.
Best regards JohnY :cool:
Hi Jdh

I worked in BW3 from 1960 to 2005

I worked on the starter armatures, first as a viewer for many years and then I assembled starter armatures

Where did you work

My father Arthur Wigley was there at that time but I'm not sure which department. I think he retired in 1968/69. I know it was a big place but you may have known him. My Uncle Bill Harley was still there then as well.:)M
There was a section foreman named Wigley i can`t recall his first name in Aerospace BW5, Shaftmoor Lane, a very jolly man.
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This is my dad Arthur Wigley in 1966. I'm not sure whether it is close enough for you to see him lencop. He was a very pleasant jolly person, so maybe it is the same person. :) Mo
You will need to click on it to enlarge it.
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Lucas Mere Green

Hi All

I have had an emial from Mike Walker

Mike lives in Canada now, and has sent me a picture of the Cricket Team at Mere Green about 1966

Can anybody put any names to the picture

www.lucasmemories.co.uk Mere Green Gallery 1 photo 9


Does anyone remember anyone moving from Shaftmoor Lane to other companies--My father moved to Clifford in Spring Rd for instance. There were several big names close by, Velocette, Midland Gear Case and Berry's Magicoal.

The local watering holes seemed to be The Shaftmoor and The College Arms and I am also trying to trace anyone who remembers Cyril Hall (Greengrocer) opp the College Arms.

Also can anyone say what is going on at the former Lucas site, it looks derelict?
Hi Malvern

The Lucas factory in Shaftmoor Lane is going to be a retirement village and some houses

I have already appealed for the Lucas name be incorperated somewhere in the finshed project

Jackie--I have just got two roads named further down Spring Rd on the Barratt development--You have to come up with a historical reason and explanation and keep plaguing the developer because its the developer that has to make the suggestion to the council. I also however contacted the council too.

Give them options and check for duplicates names in other areas of the city, Lucas for instance may be taken but Joseph or Generator or Loom or something like that may not.
Hi Malvern

I have been in touch with the developer and I don't think there will be a problem

But I will know where to come if I do need help thanks

I think the Lucas name is a very good historical reason

Hi Jackie

What I meant was that if you can provide some background information rather that just saying 'It was a Lucas factory' the council have more to look at when considering it--that's what the council told me anyway
My thoughts are that the retirement village & housing developement on the Lucas site will run into many problems because it is a brownfield site and there will many problems, B3 factory had coolant gulleys in the floor and the m/c`s would pump it up to cool the machining operation, after use it drained into another gully back to a cleaning & filtering unit (very big) a lot of coolant must have soaked into the floor. Len.