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Lucas Engineering School Great Hampton Street


knowlegable brummie
I joined the LES in September 1969, this was then regarded as one of the best apprentice schools in the country.
It was in the oldest part of GHSt next to the factory. though we had no direct contact with the factory other than using the works canteen at morning break and lunchtime.
I served the last 2 years of my apprenticeship in the A3 Toolroom at GHS and worked at GHS a further 20 years as a Shop Floor Supevisor until it was closed around 1992 and we moved to Ladywood.
Happy days
Just for you KJSScott - my old blazor badge. 1955 - 1961
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Re: Lucas Engineering School at Ghost

I am proud to have worn one of those wire badges on my Barathea blazer.
Good quality blazer, great badge, and the best engineering apprenticeship in the land.

I was at Burnley. Same colour badge as the one posted.
Only ever knew one lad from Birmingham.
Brian Kingett. Wonder where he is now.
Hi Mike-g

Could you send me a copy of the badge photo to put on the site

And if you or KJSScott have any other photos I dont have many of GHS

Im hoping to add the Burnley factory to the site, so if you have any photos for the site I would be only to pleased to put them on

Hi All Lucalites

Anybody wishing to send in photo's or memories to be added to the site please either go on to the site
www.lucasmemories.co.uk and click on the contact button or email me at

There are I'm sure many people out there who have photo's to add

Although the factory you worked at may not be on the site at the moment I'm doing my best to add as many factories as I have photos and info on and hope to cover all and even do a folder on factories abroad if I can get photo's

Lucas Email

I have received an Email from John and Margaret Smith can anybody help

Wal Smith was my dad, I'm his youngest son John, and would like to contact anyone who worked with him at Formans Road or Shaftmoor Lane, Lucas was his life, I remember so much, he was my hero, a man of high standards, not many left these days

If anyone can help John will they please get in touch

Hi Jackie, Can Walter Smith`s son supply any more info ie did he work in B3-4 or 5 and what was his job, Len asking you know i will do my best :):biggrin:.
I went to several training weeks at GHS`st, my memory is the Paternoster lift in the entrance it just went around without stopping you stepped on quickly & carefully!, those visitors who had not experianced one before needed encouragement to step on and go up!!.
I went to the engineering school during its second period at GtHSt, previously it was on College Road. All the apprentices had to help out when it relocated to GtHS. I have fond memories of these times and recall having to perform 5BX (?) exercises most mornings. I was at the school between 82 and 85 i think. The Manager was Mr Trevethick and the instructors i remember were Mr Ruby, Kingham, James, Callaghan (who's dad was mush callaghan and played for the villa. Great times.
Lucas Oil Cans


I have had an email about Lucas Oil Cans

There are collects, who although they collect Oil Cans would like to know more about them, where about they where made, which factory???

Is there anybody who has any info on Lucas Oil Cans they could share with us

I'm starting a new gallery Lucas Product, so if there is anybody out there that has photo's of any of the Lucas product, I would be very glad to here from you

Hi Mike-G

Yes anything to do with Lucas

Lucas made many things Metal Plates, Pots and Pans, Spanners I'm interested in anything that was conected with Lucas

Lucas presented people with a range of different artical the main thing being they was presented by Lucas

Lucas Products

Hi All

I have just launched onto the site a Gallery on Lucas Oil Cans

Just go to the home page, on the left hand side is a box marked Products

Let me know what you think


WE have just launch a video on the Lucas website

The video was made in the 1950s to help recruit apprentices

Pop on the site and check it out, you will find it on the menu bar on the left hand side

I have just received an email from John Davis

I was probably one of the last Apprentices to go through the training school, I started in 1983 and was involved in moving the school from College Road to GHS

Instructors were

Teddy Kingham
John Benton
Peter Ruby
Mr Callagan
Mr Trevethick

We did all sorts of activities, raft races, night maoeuvres in Sutton Park
They were great days and it's a shame they have all gone

Great to get in touch with any one else from those days

If you knew John and would like to get in touch, please email me on the email address below

Nice picture of "the badge". I joined LES Brum in August 1967 and still have the jacket and badge - the jacket has fallen to bits but the badge is A1! LES names to track down from my year are: Ian Baillie, Brian Jolly, Gary Povey (Curly-Wee), Pete Bywater, Bob Mills (from a packet of Scratchings to Regency Windows), Nobby Harris, Gary Mills, Loz Hardy and "Reg" Hudson. db
Sir Bertram Wearing and school leaders 1957 My brother Eric ( school captain ) sitting on lh side of Wearing
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Hi Mike

Can I use the photo on the websit Please

I'm going to do a gallery of the fireservice which will feature a lot of, is it your Dad, when I have loaded it I will let you know and if you would have a look through it and put me right

I was at the L.E.S 1960-2 my best mate there was Roger Thomas, if anybody knows where he is now perhaps you could let me know, I had a spell at Marston Green and then finally at the main toolroom at Formans Road, it was a great apprenticeship.
Mike G, I think the picture you have posted was later than 1957, I remember your brother Eric, we were at Formans Road together, he gave me a lift with all my tools when I left the company in 1966, it was sometime later that I learned that Eric had died, it was a very sad time for me, he was a great bloke.
I remember visiting the LES with a party from school and we were all really impressed by the work the apprentices produced.

If i recall they had to produce a test piece of several integrated cubes
after just a few weeks of training. It looked very complicated.

I joined Lucas as a commercial trainee at Shaftmoor Lane in 1966,
my Father had worked there previously as a progress clerk for 13 years.

Sadly the company wasn't for me and i moved on after a short while.
Mike G, I think the picture you have posted was later than 1957, I remember your brother Eric, we were at Formans Road together, he gave me a lift with all my tools when I left the company in 1966, it was sometime later that I learned that Eric had died, it was a very sad time for me, he was a great bloke.
I think you are right Alan. I took the date off the back but this is probably he date he started as LES. thinking about it I had left there before he started and I was in a toolroom in 57. Thanks for pointing it out
Its me again Mike G, I started at L.E.S. on 29th Feb. 1960, Eric was still there then, the guy at the end of the back row on the right of the photo is Kenneth Prigg, he only became a leader just after I started.
Its me again Mike G, I started at L.E.S. on 29th Feb. 1960, Eric was still there then, the guy at the end of the back row on the right of the photo is Kenneth Prigg, he only became a leader just after I started.
Hi my name is Nick Carter I started at LES in I think about September 1960. I remember box bench junior lathes and senior lathes. I remember Reggie Bunn, Teddy Kingham Mr Wallis(?) Ted Brewer and of course Reg Padmore. I was on the same intake as Reg's son John, Ray Bourne , Ian Fisher, Phil Baker (who I know went to Formans Road Toolroom) The "Rev" Taberer. It would be great to hear them again in particular Ray Bourne who I had some great times out of working hours, even went on holiday to the south coast.
I went initailly to Shaftmoor Lane BW3 toolroom and remember in particular Clifford Wingfield Bailey. We had some very good times together and I remember Ron Collins who worked with a more experienced apprentice "Fred" aka Maitland Vizor. I spent many hours on the grinding section which I found boring and soon realised that I would be happier training as a machine tool fitter and transfered to Works Engineers Dept and moved to Formans Road I worked in all three factories Plastics, Battery and Die Cast. Before I left I worked mainly in in the compressor house as the resident engineer and after a bit of thought and reorganising the schedule this must have been the best job in the world. Work on some machine Monday not much during the week except to repair the odd breakdown and save something for saturday!

Glad I found this site and look forward to reading more news of basically a happy time.

Happy new year to all
Nick Carter
I went to college at Matthew Boulton with Alan Lawton, Tommy Clarke & Keith Tabberer, I am still in touch with Tommy as we were also at school together & have got Alan Lawtons phone number which I got off Keith Warren another ex Lucas Apprentice who I also see very regularly.All these lads must have started LES in 1960.
Hope this may be of interest
Dave Rock
I remember all those lads, but I cannot trace my old mate Roger Thomas,
I was in the L.E.S. cricket team with Pete Ruby, he would come out to bat, take up his crease as a left hander while the bowler set out his field, then Pete would turn round and bat right handed. When we played at Moor Lane on Saturdays, if we won we went to the Boars Head after the game, but if we lost we went to the Grave diggers in Moor Lane, I think its now called the Safe Harbour. Happy times.