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Longbridge Worker of the 1920s/30s


proper brummie kid
Im emailing from Avoncroft Museum, in Bromsgrove. We are currently working on the re-construction of a new building.

We are displaying it as a 1930s cottage and we have a surviving relative who is helping re-create how the cottage was during this period. She remembers her father and brother getting the works bus to the austin at Longbridge during the 1920s/30s.

It would be great if we could find out what they did at the austin factory?

Anyone have any ideas if any employee lists exist for that period? And in general sense was it a well paid job / what sort of wage would a worker be getting?


Not sure about the level of pay other than I know of a family that moved to the Midlands from Scotland about that time lured by the wages in the Motor Industry. The British Motor Heritage at Gaydon may be able to supply wages information.

The Archive of the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust preserves the surviving records of some of the most famous names in British motoring history
I've had a look through austin memories earlier in the week and spoke to the person who runs the website. spoke to Gaydon earlier today too, unfortunately Gaydon werent too helpful as they told me no employee records survived.

Havent had much joy so far but Ill keep hunting around.

Thanks for the advice everyone,
cliff2005 Just read your post. What a privileged research programme you are involved with. I have passed on Austin information to a John Baker who seems to be well into Austin memories. His email address is info@austinmemories.com I hope he is willing to advise.

Admin Note: Please Note it is Forum Policy to not show individual's email addresses on open forum. However this address is for Austin Memories web page.
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Thank you, yes such a wonderful project to be working on. We have been doing some oral history work with the family and Joyce (born in 1925) has been describing what the family did (hence the Austin research) but also what the house was like, what type of furniture they had etc. A lady from Bourneheath has helped by donating a house full of art deco furniture but we are still hunting down everything from 1930s gas cookers to gramophones to put back into the house when it's finished but everyday is a pleasure working on something like this!

Thanks again for your help,
