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Re: name trace

FreeBMD shows the following but don't know if a connection

Births Sep 1919
Lombaert Marian Bradshaw Birmingham 6d 362
Re: name trace

on the electoral rolls cyril "lombart" is living 4 court barr street, bham in 1920
Re: name trace

Diane, try an I.M to our member 'Cadeau ' (Graham Webb world champion Cyclist) he is a 'Brummie born, a very nice and friendly person and has lived in Belgium for many year, he may be able to help you.
Re: name trace

Diane, yes indeed Lombaert is a very common Flemish name though it may be of Dutch origin as long ago Flanders was part of Holland, Graham.
Re: name trace

hi shera thanks your info on cyril lombart in birmingham 1920 electoral rolls . so do they give the age were born.and who eles liviedthere diane
Re: name trace

hello diane, no it doesnt give ages, but only people over the age of 21yrs were on the electoral rolls. there is noone listed with him. either he was alone or they were under 21yrs.