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Lloyds garage

barry bayliss

Brummie babby
Hi There
I am trying to trace the history of LLoyds Garage it was situated at 105 Park Lane Aston Birmingham in 1973 the propriator and owner then was Alfred Charles Hawkins the lady who worked in the showroom was called Margaret i think her surname at the time was Lindan would anyone have any information about the above garage or owners would be grateful for any info thanks
I remember Lloyds Garage it was almost opposite the Black Horse pub, but I have no information on the owner, I think at some time John Houghton posted a photo, have you tried the search facility? it might be still on the site although we lost a lot of pictures when we were hacked a few weeks ago.
reposting one of john houghtons pic of Lloyds garage park lane

The first mention I can find is in the 1955 directory please not the number is 109 not 105
109 Park Lane Aston, Lloyd,s Garage Motor Engnrs,
its a nice pic isnt it sylv...here is the full length version once again thanks to john houghton...


The last mention of the garage in kellys is 1971. It is not listed (or any other business in the immediate vivinity) in 1972 or 73
My wife lived at lloyds garage in 50's and 60's. Alf Lloyd was her grandfather. She lived there when tony iomi and Ozzie Osborne used to bring their van for alf to keep on the road. He did it free of charge! Will investigate more and post later. Reg mills
Wendy, my wife lived there in 50's and 60's. The owner was Alfred lloyd. My wife's mother was Margaret Hawkins upon marriage became Margaret Lindon. Hope this is of interest. Reg mills
Hi.as I have posted, my wife lived at lloyds garage for about 15 years. She has no ,photos of garage, and was very emotional when I showed her the posting. Are there any that could be sent to our email address? Kind regards. Reg mills
Hi Reg
Thanks for email i have been desperate to get in touch with you about your wife lol sorry dont get the wrong idea you say alf lloyd was her grandfather his brother fredrick lloyd was MY grandfather i think that makes us iether first or second cousins but not sure anyway some kind of relation i do geneology and have a whole list of names your wife may be intrested in if she wants to get in touch with me at my email adress it is as follows barry.bayliss@sky.com would be great to chat to you and to her, regards for now hope to hear from you soon