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Little King Street Hockley

Phil B

Made in Brum
Does anyone have an old map showing where Little King Street was?

I believe it was perhaps in the Hockley area, as Great King Street still exists here.

Just a little bit before where the main Lucas Factory was - left hand side going from Gt Hampton Street.

Someone will have a map mine is 'filed' somewhere sorry.
here you are phil..a map showing lit king st...

Replaced by map showing Little King St c1955. Not same map as originally posted by Lyn.

map c 1955 for little king st         overlay.jpg

The only part of Little King St remaining is a granite memorial to the very first Lucas factory, which was in Little King St, long before the massive Gt King site was developed.
The last 2 house (Ours & the Smiths) were demolished in 1966 They stood like a pic of Hiroshima as all the others were demolished on both sides of the street, and all 4 streets back & in front, which made up the blocks - Gt King St, Bridge St, Guest St, New John St. The nearest visible building were Lucas's, People Chapel (old) in Gt King St, the Whitehouse Pub (sole survivor) and Farm St School.
It is difficult to trace on the ground now, since the road layout was removed, with the widening of New John St & Gt King St and the creation of new housing pattern with the tower blocks, etc

Below superimposed on Google Earth is where Little King St was

yes thanks mike...you are right bri you would not know the street had ever been there...do you know if we have any pics on the forum of little king st

Hi Lyn,
Never spotted any pics, myself, but hopeful that some may turn up.
I finally got a picture of the (old) peoples chapel x B'ham Library.

I have a family pic that has the front door behind us, somewhere - but a door's a door!
Thanks to all. I 'm surprised I didn't know where Little King Street was because I worked for Lucas at GREAT King Street from 1977 to 1993 then transferred to Lucas at Holford Drive, Witton.

Once again thanks.
Hi Lyn,
Never spotted any pics, myself, but hopeful that some may turn up.
I finally got a picture of the (old) peoples chapel x B'ham Library.

I have a family pic that has the front door behind us, somewhere - but a door's a door!

a door is a door indeed bri...i shall look out for pics of little king st then...would love to see the old chapel pic bri...

My Boss was a friend of Davis teh Bookie along Little King Street.
bri..is the the peoples chapel you are on about....if so i have had this pics for over 2 years...it only registered in me brain that it may be the one when i looked at mikes placing of little king st...

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View attachment 63395View attachment 63395Gosh Lyn, I saw that picture years ago and had forgotten it. The old chapel hung on whilst money was raised to build the new one which is still there but nearer Gt Hampton St.
The pictures shows the desolation that existed as they demolished the area. The flats were my playground whilst being built!

Here is my Chapel Pic
A couple of photos of Little King Street in the late fifties and early 60's. One shows the British Legion Club and the other shows the Jarvis family in 1954 they must have had connections with the local shop because they are all sat outside it.


Hockley Little King St British Legion Club.jpg Hockley Little King St  Jarvis Family 1954.jpg
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Cheers Phil,
I remember the Legion as having a newer frontage, must have been rebuilt some time before about 1963.

There was a small shop about 6 doors up, run by Mrs Cross, elderly lady. Jarvis rings a bell but cannot recall exactly. But when you are under 10 you don't worry too much about details like that unless they had kids you're own age to play with!

The Mini countryman was a vehicle I wantd to own - had to make do with a Countryman estate in the '80's - No nice woodwork on them!


The Jarvis family must have had a connection with the shop for some time because here is a photo of the shop some 30 years previous in 1924 with the then Jarvis family outside. I understand that the child in arms on this photo is one of the young ladies on the later photo.


Hockley Little King St Jarvis Family 1924.jpg
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In 1955 there was a Mrs Mabel Jarvis at 73 Little King St. There is also is a Mrs Lily May Cross at no 89, just down the road on the same side.
No 73 is not listed in 1956 , but Mrs Cross is , and she stays till 1965
Mrs Crosswas there from at least 1932, but Mrs Jarvis is only listed from 1937. However in 1932-6 it is a Mrs Harriet Tandy,which could be the same person before marriage.
Great Mike, that has woken dormant memories!

We lived at 79. The Smiths at 81 - we were the last 2 families to leave the street.
All the houses were in one big terraced block.
We were the last house in a 'entry' of 6. Olive Walker (with son david) were at 77, Mr & Mrs Dodds were at 75, than the entry, than Mr & Mrs Jarvis at 73 - An old couple.
71 were the Summlers. they had a garden wall to seperate them from the next 'entry' of 6 house. They were the last houses - it was factories after that, with the Legion almost at the end of the street near to Great King St.

Our side of the Street backed onto Bridge St West. Once that was demolished we had a brilliant view of St saviours as they demolished it, and Farm St School.

The entry ran between 75/73 and ran down top a wall separating us from Bridge ST, than ran along the backs of the yards (NOT Gardens) . Our Yard was a bit bigger than the 2 it passed behind as the right of way ended against our yard. Going the other way past 73, 71 it ended in front of the the block of 3 toilets, so 69 had a slightly shorter yard as well.
We shared a toilet with the Dodd's, each having a key to a padlock fitted on the door. Ours was the middle toilet. Much too far to go to at night - and still a chilly walk in the winter mornings with the Po!
In winter we had to take a bucket of water because it would have frozen up. Once the demolition began, you may well see a rat pop up!
Mr Jarvis had a heart attack on the loo His was the end one nearest Bridge St. As he collapsed, he fell forward, jamming the door. Bit of a problem for the Fire Brigade.

Mrs Cross left, with most of the street in '65.

As was often the case - everyone was scattered to the winds. I know the Summlers went to Kingstanding- we visited once, and the Smiths visited us once in Lea Hall, but I never knew where they had actually moved to.

We always went down th eentry and in the back door. It was only ever locked & bolted at night. The front door was for visitors only - rarely used for ourselves!
Great description Brian these are the memories most cherished especially by family historians it's what brings it to life... thanks:)
Thanks for the photo .On the top floor the boys brigade had their club room .Two snooker tables and table tennis .On the middle floor there was two more snooker tables that were used by the old boys of the company and a stage were they had shows etc .Bottom floor was bible class room and function room for jumble sales and socials as they were called in those days.Remember taking the window frames out to lower down items we couldnt get down the stairs.To take to the new chapel
Hi Mebmm1950 - Do you remember that the side entry on the left as you face the chapel led down to the rear halls? Great big wooden staircase went up - lovely echo! as you entered main hall, went right to stage you could go down a smaller staircase that led back down to vestry into the church behind the pulpits (for the choir, etc) church and/or back into the entry?

I always recall the right hand side entry was filled with rubble?
We met there every Friday for Life Boys (junior Boys Brigade) - My elder Brothers were in the 1stA B.B. - We were 79th Life Boys. We got bulldozed out in April '66, just before I would have 'gone up' into the B.B. and left the area just before the new chapel was built. We also had Sunday school there every sunday morning.
All our house had sah windows upstairs - you take them out, put a blanket over the sill, and lower the wardrobes, and beds on ropes to the removal van below!

You can't do that now with double glazing! You are stuck with fiddling around stairs that cannot take large furniture!
time for a some new photos folks..i only know of keyhill brian (who has seen these) who lived in this street but i bet there are a few members on here who can remember it....hope they bring back memories for some of you...

pic 1 i think shows brians house..if he spots this thread he will hopefully confirm this..



pic 4 shows little king st to the right and st saviours church on the corner of bridge st west and villa st..
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hi lyn
what great photos my husbands aunt and uncle lived in little king street and we walked up that street meny times
in our courting days great memories
hope you dont mind if i print them off
thats great josie so pleased they bring back some memories for you and hubby...please feel free to print them off..always happy to share...

lyn i am looking for the photo of the little pawnshop that was in ford street was telling my daughter that was where her dad brought my engament ring from in 1963
she couldnt believe it ( well we was only young and couldnt afford a new one )
would love to show her the shop i am sure it was on the furum but cant find if you have photo would be great if you could put it on furum
with thanks josie
josie as far as i know there is only photo of ford st...could be wrong though..have you looked on the ford st thread


ps only recently found out i had rellies in that street..