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Little Green Lane/Storrs Place.


master brummie
Driving along Little Green La today for the first time in donkeys years.

I noticed Storrs Place, just before the school on the opposite side.

Could be my memory, but I'm sure that it wasnt there when I was a kid. But Storrs Place does ring a bell, it was around there somewhere. Possibly Holmwood Rd, behind Billy Ponds.......??

Any members got an old A to Z, or remember where it was ?
Driving along Little Green La today for the first time in donkeys years.

I noticed Storrs Place, just before the school on the opposite side.

Could be my memory, but I'm sure that it wasnt there when I was a kid. But Storrs Place does ring a bell, it was around there somewhere. Possibly Holmwood Rd, behind Billy Ponds.......??

Any members got an old A to Z, or remember where it was ?
Bang on Fatfingers,my old A to Z has it leading off Holmwood Rd between Green Lane and Grange Rd.
Wasn't Billy Pond's ballroom in a largish redbrick building set back from Green Lane surrounded by gardens cum allotments? Did anyone on the Forum go to the St John's Ambulance Association (as it was in the early '60s) first aid demonstrations in the big assembly hall beneath the ballroom? db84124
Billy Ponds was on the corner of Holmwood Road, as you say David, surrounded by some type of garden or allotments, Storrs Place was immediately
Thanks, thought so.

They were allotments at the side of Billy Ponds, I'm sure cause I remember being with some bigger boys who led me astray showing me how to nick rhubarb through the fence...lol
There is also a Storrs Close near there. Any one know what the significance of the name Storr is please?

Billy Ponds Ballroom was an imposing looking building.


Billy Ponds Ballroom was an imposing looking building.


You can just see the houses in Storrs place in the background.
Funny, I remembered Billy Ponds as being a big white building, similar to the vicarage that was about 200yds further along Green Lane.

Wonder what it was before it was Billy Ponds, the building doesnt look quite 'right' as it is somehow.
There is also a Storrs Close near there. Any one know what the significance of the name Storr is please?


Should have gone to Specsavers, my mistake....

Just looked on Google Earth. Storrs CLOSE is off whats left of Little Green La.

Storrs Place is still where it was, and pretty much as it was, the ground that was allotments is still there as well.
Hi All,

The building Billy Ponds Dance Hall was known as St Giles when I was a lad. It never looked like a conventional chuirch but for a time I went to Sunday School there. It had two floors and I vaguely remember that the lower floor had gymnastic equipment such as climbing ropes and frames.

Old Boy
Old Boy is absolutely right. The branch/section/detachment (?) of the St John's Ambulance Association which held its weekly meetings in the lower part of the building was called the "St Giles Division". I've just looked it up in my 1958, first edition, First Aid manual where it's written in an appalling schoolboy scrawl on the front inside cover. I was a cadet between about 1960 and 1963 and got into the Gaumont for free, standing at the back of the stalls in case someone fainted or didn't feel well during "Lawrence of Arabia" and other excellent films of the time (I once felt unwell myself - you try standing up in a packed cinema for 216 minutes!!). The junior section was run by Mr Shaw, who lived near the Good Companions, in Gilbertstone Avenue.
We used to go into the lower section of the ex-church through a door on the left and down a few stairs. The entrance to Billy Pond's Ballroom was up some steps to the right. David

Probably got it all wrong but wasn't there a large bakery by Billy Ponds ? Wimbush or some such ?

{ spent many a happy hour at Billy Ponds. He was the Examiner when I took my Associate exam to qualify to teach dance.

Yes Wimbushes wasn't far from Billy Ponds it was opposite Small Heath Library/baths on the corner of Little Green Lane.

Good afternoon, Betty,
There was indeed a large bakery just 300 yards from the drive into Billy Pond Ballroom. It was where Little Green Lane and Green Lane join the Coventry Road. Please see the accompanying photo which I pinched from col H's posting (Post #14) in the thread entitled "Green Lane pub". David
My Dad was born 26 Storrs Place in 1922. His parents lived there from 1907 until their deaths in the late 40's. My aunt live a few doors away. Dad said she was bombed out in the war and I always thought that was in Storrs. I remember a photo of Dad on a bike on the road - no cars in sight - he would have been about 16. He said it was Storrs or Holmwood but wasn't sure which ! There was a huge wall at the end of the road and he said it was a factory. I drove past a few years ago and it was not how I had pictured it. Storrs Place was all new build houses !
Winbush bakery cream buns were to die for,arriving in the City many years ago I found a Winbush shop in New Street they still had the cream buns. I just had to buy one tasted just as good in 1963.