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List of Medals - Roll of Honour


master brummie
OK an odd one as things like this are usually celebrated in a family but I am of the impression my G Grandfather William Stevenson (or Stephenson as its sometimes written as i have discovered on Ancestry) was awarded a Medal in the Great War however I cant find any records, i dont know which regiment and no-one can remember!!!!! Any ideas?
I know he lived till the early 50's and i have found a likely candidate in the roll of honour but it has re italics next to it i dont know what they mean either!!!!!!
Hi Laura-Jen - there ar many possibilities as I'm sure you know. Do you have a date of Birth, likely address or area to enable a focussed search?
1918 absent voter's list
William Enoch Stevenson 79431 2nd S 180th Co, RE
2 court 5 Eyre Street, Rotton Park Ward
There is a medal card on ancestry William Stevenson Royal Welsh Fusilliers reg no 9576 then RE 79431 and in the remarks it has transferred 10.8.15
Think this could be your man:)
The National Roll of The Great War lists a William Stevenson of 2/12 Eyre Street who received the M.M. (Military Medal)


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It's all looking good Laura-Jen

And if it is your man, what a fitting day to have found him:)
it is my great granddad just spoken to my nan, that's the house she was born in! thank-you so very much you've just made 3 generations of women cry in a good way x
Laura-Jen - what a wonderful discovery for you! Your great grandfather had been through the mill, and back again! Clearly he was a very brave and exceptional man. To think, had you not asked your questions, his deeds might have disappeared forever. I bet there'll be a few more tears when you watch the placing of the wreaths, at the Westminster Cenotaph, on Sunday... God bless him, and all his comrades in arms!
And here's his entry in the London Gazette 27 June 1918

His Majesty the KING has been graciously
pleased to approve of the award of the Military
Medal to the undermentioned Non-commissioned

Officers and Men:—
79431 L./Cpl. (A./Cpl.) W. E. Stevenson,.

R.E. (Birmingham
I'd been told he'd got a medal for going back to detonate a bridge to stop the advance now I know its true thank-you again x
Here's the entry from The Times. It's on the left hand side towards the bottom.

EDIT: See attachment in next posting
180th Tunnelling Company Formed at Labuissiere in Autumn 1915, and moved into the Vermelles sector. It was engaged in constructing saps and trenches, in addition to much carrying work, during the Battle of Loos. Moved to the Givenchy area, and relieved there in early 1916 by 255th Company. In March 1918, the Company acted as emergency infantry, fighting a defensive action near Ronssoy before withdrawing to Hamelet. The Company did much work in Albert during the great advance to victory, repairing all kinds of works and removing unexploded charges and mines. They did the same in Epehy in November 1918.