Well those of you who frequented Rowley Regis Online will also be aware that I sponsored the site for it's final two years. The decision was taken by the site admin to close the site due to not having enough time to continue with it amongst other reasons.
Following it's closure I formed it's replacement, Black Country Gob which not only focuses on Rowley Regis BUT the whole Black Country region.
There has been communication with Admin from RRO and I can confirm that RRO will not be returning online and that it's data is no longer available however there is some of the data from the site which has been saved and transferred to Blackcountry gob.
There will many of the original names from RRO on BCG that you will now and a bigger better family of people as more join.
If anyone is interested in taking a look at just what we have to offer just pop along to Black Country Gob and say Hi.
More than just a genealogy site Black country Gob is THE community forum for the Black country region and has the support of many local groups, sites, companies and organisations.
Based in The Black Country, run by Black Country Folk...yow cor goo rung theer con ya!