Re: looking for Harry Lear
Hi Younghat
"Harry" may have been put down as his "known by name" on
your Mom,s birth cert but may not be strictly true ? he may have had a 1st name "eg Cuthbert" he didn,t like to use
There are many "porkie pies", names , ages, addresses etc on B M & D certs,
Of course Ladies,,never told lies about age, or middle-nicknames etc ,,did they
Sometimes theres a Glitch in the "records" &/or Ancestry/FreeBMD just haven,t got around to transcribe a Quarter to their site
Will have another look at 4th Qu 1946, if still nbg, will ask Ancestry, ok.
What makes you 99% certain the year of death between the dates you stated?
Bit more info may help to find "Harry" with you,,Cheers JohnY