I have just found this web site, not sure I understand how you get around it; however I read your Knustford Street/ Longbridge Road discussion with interest.
I believe you could be right about my photo which I thought might have been Vincent Parade. I had prints in my photo album of the other photos I put up on Old Birmingham Pictures, but this one I never printed and I only re discovered the negative a few months ago. I have looked again at the sequence of the negatives which start with Wenman St Gospel Hall, then go to Kensington Gardens off Balsall Heath Road and then Arter Street, the final negative is this street. So I must have walked down Sherbourne Road from Arter Street to Longbridge Road, but I have no recollection. (This is the trouble of getting close to 70.)
You mention a photo of Knutsford Street in the 1964, but it does not show up, I would love to see it. I am not sure why it does not display for me? Am I doing something wrong?
Did you or your parents ever attend Wenman Street Sunday School in the early 1960’s. Mr Timms was the superintendant. I have some photos of the winter party and a summer trip to Evesham. I can’t remember the names of the children they would now be between 55 to 60 years.