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any knowledge of the kirby family who lived within the hockley area, i believe they may have owned a shop and had moved from blackpool area where they had a fish and chip shop in the 40's ??
not sure who what or where my father died before telling me much and have very little information on his childhood, all i know is he met my mom who grew up in the back to backs in ford st, got married and moved to golden hillock road, then emigrated to australia, she worked at rabone's and he was in police - cid i think

thanks for you help will see if anyone else has any news
hi pcm
i have just picked up on your thread for a request into the kirby family
i am wondering ,or should i say which one of the kirbys was your father
and i know of the kirbys family from old to what i call the younger generations
as well from winson green area the forefathers busuiness was in farm st
hockley which would have been about a mile from ford st hoclkley brook
if you can tell me which one was your father i will enlighten you more
and i have a picture of one of there first lorrys they bought the day they
bought it . there was a sister named kathy as well
look foreward to hearing from you soon best wishes astonian ,;;
Hi Astonian,
Hope you are well.
Are the Kirby's you know related to the Hintons?
Best wishes
Well i cannot answer yes or no at this precise time but i will soon have a answer for you it would be a great surprize if they were co.s life is full of surprizes and thinking long and hard about what i have leart there may be a chance
i have been contacted by a certain person on this forum whom at this will not mention the name turned out to be a cousin and her grand mother was bertha hintons sister
we discovered this and she is in constanant touch with two long lost cousins whom
was very close to them and i was close to them at school as well its been over
40 years since i have seen them this cousin whom comes now and then on the forum
contacted these two people my first cousins one in this country and the other one lives in tenereef and that one as relayed to my cousin the one on this site to asked me for my personal e,mail addrees to get and keep in touch with me
i knew the kirbys since i was a boy from hockley from generation to generation
and the fore fathers whom went to aussie land and the middle generation i will call them and the young ones from winson green area i knew the fore father from farm st and from ford st next to auntie winns and there father was a police officier as the person said and theywould have known the kirbys very well and being a hinton they would have been stationed probaly at the same station and would have come to the big partys at new cannal street i have learnrt alot more on bertha through this cousin whom i am constanly in touch with on the forum it was the best surprize i could have wished fore a hinton coming foreward to me and telling me she was the sister to bertha, but i will find out very shortly if we was related to the kirbys it would be another shock surprize if it was after all the years i associated with the generations of the kirbys for years sorry mand i cannot comment any more on that at the moment
but when this person said they went to aussie land it dawned on me about certain things wish i will reveal at a later stage to you okay .
have a nice day best wishes astonian ,;;;
Hi Astonian,
I'm ok thanks. Sorry to hear about your brothers, and thank you for replying at what must be a difficult time for you.
I'm glad you have managed to find fellow 'Hintons'. I too am in contact with some one in Australia, who married a Hinton - they must have been an adventurous lot!
Regarding Kirby/Hinton link - I am mistaken - sorry. I saw your reply and thought this is where our Hinton link could be, but when i thought about it the link is through Perks - one of the Perks sisters married a Kirby and another married a Hinton.
Thanks again for replying - my thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time.
hi mand
thanks for the reply when i get the contact from teneref from the long lost

cousin whom is well geared up on the jelf and hinton inside and out as he being a family member whom worked for the jelfs and hintons business knows inside out of them both will give me all the answers i need to close the chapter as to wether or not we are connected but i am getting confused over the issue as before i think you said the perks was not the same perks as ours as yours still not to worry i am plodding on to find out whom is and whom not was connected to the hintons
is your hintons from perth ? best wishes astonian ;
hiya astonian
sounds like you know a lot about the hockley area, especially around ford st. i dont know much about the kirby's at all but this may help pinpoint which family you associated with.

my father was named colin hugh kirby, he was as i said in the police around his 20's, he was also a harmonica player and won a few medals in an international competion in germany, both as a solo and in a group of harmonica players - havent a clue what they where called, i know he took my mother - maybe before i was born, or not long after, i was born 1957 so it was around that time, my mother was called eunice mary howell, her father was called edwin, she had 3 sisters - maureen, joan, and jeanette. they all lived in ford st, i dont really know where my father lived or any of the other relatives.

does any of this ring a bell

Hi there
all the othermembers of the family lived in farm st
about amile and a half away ,ten min -walk from ford street
and yes i knew years ago about your father being in the police force
at one stage or another it was be coming a joke because of the older ones being what they was ? Naughty boys and well known for activities ;;
ive asked my mom about a few things and the best information i have is that my dads family, his mom & dad, brothers ron & ken lived on thier business premises, first a chip shop on lichfield st, then a sweet shop on dudly rd by the hostpital, she doesnt remember any involvement with transport company ? im confused, are the kirby's you knew the same, was it colin, my dad you knew ?

he has since passed away in australia about 5 years ago and i didnt see him for over 30yrs so i have very large gaps in his history, i dont know of any surviving relatives in the midlands and am keen to find out more, any help would be appreciated
many thanks

havent been on site for a while so just noticed the thread for kirby, i was a kirby my father joe married ethal jarvis my grandfater was frederck kirby he had sons bert jack joe and charles, my grandfather lived in farm st also burbury st and wheeler st there were another family of kirby's in the aston area but we were not related, my father joe was a clown and a chimney sweep in his spare time did a lot of charity work, we lived in lennox street, dad aslo managed the football team at the duke of cambridge and the brook tavern in lennox street,
hiya Gladi, sounds like you are part of another kirby family, mine didnt come from the birmingham area at first, blackpool i think, there never been mention of a clown or a football manager from my mom or her sisters, best of luck with your research
hi pcm
sorry i have not been in touch with you for some-time but i have been having problems with one thing or another the kirbys are related to the kirby of of ford street that i can tell you that i know of yes it was big talk and whispers around the under ground about the kirbys relation being a copper in those days and how one took the rapp and the others stayed free ,the one done big time often but they kept is family well looked after whilst he was away i have a cousin whom uses the site
and they have passed my other cousin whomlives in tennerereef whom knew him better than me i knew the family very wel and the sibblings probaly the second generation if thetruth is known and they are trying to carry on the kirbys reputation [ that being the fore fatheres of yester year from the winson green they was coming from any way my cousin lived in the same st [ford st ] so my
cousin as give him my personal email addres unknown to any body else to contact me personaly from the site and he his going to give me more confirmation about your father whom i do know personanly as a police officer as my grand father was also a police officier andgrand father high court judge whom sent william yarnold to the gallows in worcestershire for murder it was his first case
any way i wil stop waffling on and get back on the case of your father
they were,nt silly clowns thats for sure that i do know
i know it must be frustating to find out more which you will shortly
mater of fact i found a picture in distanceshot of one of there first big lorries in king edwards rd opersite where i used to live today i will hope my cousin responds a little bit quicker well i had better close here for now okay best wishes astonian ;
One of my dad's sisters married a Timothy Kirby, I think it was Emily born 1897 to give some time scale. Would Tim be related to either of the Kirby families mentioned?
Dont recall a Timothy in the family but will check my records, but believe there were a lot of Kibry's in Aston Hockley area.
I now live on the Isle of Wight and last year my eldest grandson brought his latest girlfriend to meet us, and her surname was Kirby had a long chat with her aunt but she was one of the other Kirby's but what a small world.
Thanks Gladi, my aunt was Emily Wallace who married Tim Kirby, in the 1930s they went to live in Kingstanding, I never met them but my older sisters and brother remember visiting they had a number of children most with red hair, names I have been told are Veronica and Patricia, don't know the others.
I will email my cousin one of his sons maybe named Tim or his brothers sons will message back when i get a reply
tim kirby opened a steel stock yard in speedwell rd hay mills with his son
years ago around the seventys and it was next to there old freinds the broad hursts
whom originionaly came from rocky lane aston they was a very big steel stock holders
whom also moved to speed well rd hay mills the broad hurst family change there names to european steel stock holder and as i am aware they are still there
that i mean european steels ,i don,t know about tim whether hes still there or not
i do not know whether the other lads are still alive stan or albert and the sister irene or barbara astonian ;;;
Hope you don't mind me adding my brummy Kirbys to this thread- my Gt, gt gran was a Kirby:
Emma Kirby b1856 Birmingham- daughter of Joseph and Rebecca Kirby (nee Priest). Emma married Henry John Powell in 1874 Birmingham.

Emma's father, Joseph (c1825) is listed as a brass founder, 1861-71, living on Alcester St. Bordsley. In 1881 the family have moved to Warwick St and Joseph is an umbrella furniture maker.

Joseph's father, Charles (c1806) was a umbrella maker, also from Birmingham.

Would be great to hear from anyone connected to this family.
Many thanks x
hi pmc
yes your colin was a copper in ford street and he had to move owing to the younger ones in the family as people was talking about them
best wishes astonian ;;

i have in my tree a henry richard thomas kirby marrying a doris perks they had son norman ronald kirby b:1919-1997...is this the same kirby/perks you talk of?

i'd love to hear more about the kirbys/perks of brum

sam x
I went to harry lucas school .Had twin brothers david and derek kirby.There is a older brother john.Lived in little king strret not far from school
Hi Sam,

I have Perks in my tree with Doris marrying a Kirby. Love to hear where your connection is. Doris was my gtgrand aunt.

Mand x
i have been in touch before with you
when you was looking for hinton
and you said it was adifferent hinton to mine
well looking at your thread and at the bottom of the page your intrest shows ;;
hinton ; and perks ; and i have the info ; that hinton married into my perks ;
so a long time ago you mention a hinton and the sweet shop affair at witton some where
and you asked me or should i say you told me i was different to yours
well the fact of the matter is these are the same line of my mothers where my grand mother came and the perks has to be the same because of the coincidence s your hinton and my pers
the record show clearly that the hintons married the perks which i have on record now
and i would liketo say another question a long time ago you asked if i knew of ablack book that bertha ,victoria had and it went missing
i was not aware at te time of such a thing asthe little black book she kept and two weeks some body i know mentioned to me that she did have a black book and thats also why i know our connections are the same my mothers the daughterof the hintons and they are her auntys i knew from day one what you meant and i knew from heart of souls about the relation whom died during the war and these are the sameperkis and hintondwhom would be my grand father as well
best wishes astonian;;;
hi mand,

i'll try to put it as simple as i can lol,but im just starting out on the kirby/perks side of my tree...

sarah batsford nee wincott b:1806 married joseph kirby b:1809, in tysoe.

they had child:thomas kirby b:1837 he married sarah tomkinson who had child:

henry john kirby b:1866 he married mary ricketts they had child:

henry richard thomas kirby b:1897 who married doris perks...they went on to have child norman b:1919?did they have anymore children?

did you ever hear/see pics of sarah kirby nee wincott and joseph kirby?

hope this explains it...theres also a twist in the tale...i had a quick look into doris perks and noticed some family around shropshire...

well my partner and daughter are perks...from broseley,shropshire...i am trying to research this tree also but are at a brick wall...

does any of these perks family sound familier?:william g perks b:1936,parents john r perks b:1900 and ida annie tench b:1896...i do hope so!im stuck on who john r perks parents/siblings are!???

thanks sam xx
ha ha mand i've just seen your researching parr's too!i hope their not the ones from whatcote area in the 1800's too!;O)

sam x
Hi Sam,
There were 3 other Kirby children, not sure if they are still alive or not. Norman married Millicent Price.
The Parr's I am looking at Jane Parr was Doris great grand mother born 1806 Birmingham her father was John.
I do have some certificates, if you message me your email address i'm happy to share.
Best wishes
ha it's just as i said sarah batsford nee wincott married joseph kirby...well before all that she had an illigitemate child with a william parr...matthew wincott...my ancestor...it seemed to be a close knit community in whatcote in them days lol as matthews son clark then went on to marry a parr...sam x
I think there was a relation of the Kirby's in Capilano Rd in the 70's, she brought up a child as her own, (think it was her daughters, scandal in those days) sadly he was murdered very young. Not sure if it was the same family, but rumours were the ladies family were, naughty, shall we say...