From British History Online about the school’s:
“KING'S NORTON BOYS' COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Northfield Road; King's Norton Girls'County Grammar School, Selly Oak Road. King's Norton Council Secondary Schs. built by Worcs. C.C. in Northfield Road and opened 1911 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 400 B, G. Overcrowded by 1920. New G sch. opened in Selly Oak Road 1927, accom. 500, and old building used for B only. G sch. enlarged 1949, B sch. 1954. N.o.b. 1914: 202 B (63 free), 200 G (69 free); 1935: 532 B, 579 G; 1961: 763 B, 745 G. In 1937 G sch. said to have doubled nos. in last ten years. In 1930s 95 per cent. pupils came from elementary schs. Fees £4 a term at first, £12 by 1938; 76 per cent. B had free places in 1931, 65 per cent. G in 1937. Average leaving age of B just under 16 in 1937: in 1938 H.M.I. said that sch. was prevented from developing fully by tendency towards early leaving. Average leaving age of G: 16 in 1937, 16–17 in 1953 (ex inf. M. of Ed.)”
Kings Norton Girls compete in BBC’s “ Top of the Form”. Remember that ? Viv.
“KING'S NORTON BOYS' COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Northfield Road; King's Norton Girls'County Grammar School, Selly Oak Road. King's Norton Council Secondary Schs. built by Worcs. C.C. in Northfield Road and opened 1911 by Birm. C.B.C. Accom. 400 B, G. Overcrowded by 1920. New G sch. opened in Selly Oak Road 1927, accom. 500, and old building used for B only. G sch. enlarged 1949, B sch. 1954. N.o.b. 1914: 202 B (63 free), 200 G (69 free); 1935: 532 B, 579 G; 1961: 763 B, 745 G. In 1937 G sch. said to have doubled nos. in last ten years. In 1930s 95 per cent. pupils came from elementary schs. Fees £4 a term at first, £12 by 1938; 76 per cent. B had free places in 1931, 65 per cent. G in 1937. Average leaving age of B just under 16 in 1937: in 1938 H.M.I. said that sch. was prevented from developing fully by tendency towards early leaving. Average leaving age of G: 16 in 1937, 16–17 in 1953 (ex inf. M. of Ed.)”
Kings Norton Girls compete in BBC’s “ Top of the Form”. Remember that ? Viv.