From the History online site:
KING'S HEATH COUNTY PRIMARY SCHOOL, High Street.(27) King's Heath Bd. Sch. opened 1878 (25) by King's Norton Sch. Bd. Accom. 493 B, G, I.(21) Fees 1d.–3d.(22) Accom. for 298 used 1885–95 in former King's Heath National Sch. Site enlarged 1890 and new JM block, accom. 316, opened 1895. Enlarged (420 extra accom.) 1900. Bd. of Ed. demanded substantial improvements in premises 1912. Altered and reorganized 1915 for B, G, I and 1928–30 for SB, JM, I. Site enlarged 1934. Closed 1939 on opening of Wheeler's Lane Council Sch. Former I block (built 1895) reopened 1949 for JI. Other block repaired and opened 1951 for JM, I dept. remaining in smaller block.(21) Accom. 1961: 16 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)
KING'S HEATH (INFANT) NATIONAL SCHOOL, High Street. In existence 1846, when it was not in union with Nat. Soc. (first called a Nat. sch. 1870).(1) In one room with a mistress. N.o.b. 43 B, G. Supported by subscriptions and fees. The schoolroom was then not secured a trust deed of 1856 presumably referred to the same property (Digest of Endowed Charities (Worcs.), H.C. 162 (1900), lxiii). Received annual grant intermittently from 1858.(1) Enlarged c. 1870 with Nat. Soc. help.(29) Closed 1878.(25) Building used 1885–95 as JM dept. of King's Heath Bd. Sch.(21)