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king edward..lichfield road

good god wend is there no stopping the council..yes its the same one...i was in there a few months back..wonderful pub with lots of old framed pics of birmingham..as the report says it has to go for the greater good...and we all know whos greater good that is for....i just give up...

I think the Council should be ashamed! I really would love to know just WHO is on the committee that destroys - are they Brummies by heritage or not? I think I could make a good guess at the answer. For the greater good - my elbow, it all boils down to money and also possibly someone wishing to make a name for themselves as being the one who generated a new city. This kind of decision is deplorable.
totally agree with you shortie...they promise to save the bar fittings and either use eleswhere or put into storage most likely at dolman st i would think and then try and justify the demo of this pub by saying it will create 3000 jobs...i am all for that but seeing is believing.....if they treat this pub like they did with the fantastic woodman and its tiled pics and interior i have my doubts...everything will probably end up in the skip...

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Well, one thing in its favour Lyn is that it is now and the Woodman was quite a long time ago. I could get quite angry at the destruction of Birmingham, but it's energy wasted as there is nothing we can do now. If the pub does have to come down, and the fittings are saved, although they may go to Dolman Street for a while, but it is better than nothing. The skip might be raided by the chaps who come round with a lorry ten times a week looking for scrap though, and the thought chills me to the very bone.
So am i to beleive that the king edward is going to be pulled down ;what a sad story and a total destruction of our heritage and a grand looking
building we was brought up to beleive many years ago that it was a a listed pub ; [ thats us kin folk of lichfield rd ;] for donkeys years since i was a lad born there ;at 5/92 lichfield rd aston ;as kids we often spoke about the future to come robots space age ;even food pills ;where you would have one tablet for one incredient
and another ;for another one instead of the actual items of food we often wondered whether we would still be alive to come to see the changes of ourbeloved aston ; yes we havbe indeed and a total destruction ; in the garden of 5/92 lichfield rd at this particular time there was afew of us kids spoke about the future
even with marshons landing ;but this was brought on by a prank of some one ; which was reported in the sunday mercury around 1953-4 i think it was
that the police was called and some one contacted the police and it was reported to press that on the saturday night in the early hours of the night
in portland street was woken up by a person or some one with a gold fish bowl over there heads and then disapeared ;
that sparked rummours about these people ; but as we was kids we heard the grown ups talking about it for days and our parents read the caption out from the mercury paper as it was printed ; but getting back to the demob; of our hearitagethe destruction of our city is geting very rampant
as shortie saids whom is it left to ;to decide ;i have been working on one particular building for afew years now as to find out
there is only one committe members whom decide ; its sad ;but i think i will finish here but yes i would truly like to get involve with protest if there is such a thing ; i would also like to mention that where we lived on the lichfield rd . cromell square as it was known that in the very early fifty
and because our garden was the lagest up the trrace ; afew of us done what you call a time capsell in our garden ;bearing in mind we was only toddlers but we dug a hole and burried afew things for the future generation ;at this time in motion the land is still not been crearted the houses have been cleared since the late sixtys and no-one as neverbuilt any think there on that land as not beenexcuvated ; so whom knows may be there will be some one to find the bits and peices that us kids of cromwell terace put down ;
if you take note that there was another fire in walsall yet again ; and as the chiefe fire officier as said some are arson and some are for planning permission ;
reasons ; best wishes astonian;;
totally agree with you shortie...they promise to save the bar fittings and either use eleswhere or put into storage most likely at dolman st i would think and then try and justify the demo of this pub by saying it will create 3000 jobs...i am all for that but seeing is believing.....if they treat this pub like they did with the fantastic woodman and its tiled pics and interior i have my doubts...everything will probably end up in the skip...


Don't worry Lyn the Victorian Society are keeping a close watch on this one.
hi guys ;
i hate to tell you but they will be flogging a dead horse ; the victorian society does have not got any clout
when it comes up agaist the four just men of ou planning deptment . beleive me
and if you are an indivisual ; on your own you get warned off beleive me you get the red card ; i know from expereinces in years gone bye ;
thats all i am saying ;because it will come under the politics with our moderators ;nothink agaist the moderators ;
because they have to be carefull in what gets put on here ; the planners at the top are a law unto them selves ;
one mans fight agaist hearitage ;[ thats me ;] astonian ;;;;;
Hi Astonian

It was the Vic Soc who stopped the Grand being demolished, so they might just pull this one off too. People do take notice these days, although not always. We have a lot to thank the Vic Soc for.
It would be great if they could save the King Edward once again.. the Vic Soc does work hard to bring the notice of a lot of people to the disappearing landmarks around Brum. I had a schoolfriend who lived in Priory Road and the King Ed was their Father's local plus other family members. It was such a nice place to be sat outside of with crisps and lemonade way back when. The area has changed but so has the disappearance of pubs in the area of Aston Villa.
hi jennyann;
i do not dispute that the society does wonders ;and does save some hearitage ;but if you take into account of the area ;
a dwindling population and the pub is really isolated from most quarters
do we know whether its a compulsery order on it or not ; or is it the brewery selling it off as it as not met the takings and running at a cost ;
there fore in there intrest to sell it off to the council to get some kind of remunion back;for its lossage ;
why do they not turn it into a land mark as it as been for years ever since i was a nipper and the trams days at cuckoo bridge
and where the turn table was for turning the trams around back to the city ;
and turn it into a harvester typeeating house or an hungry horse public resturant for the tired drivers and familys coming off the motoways
and for tourist coming into brum ; it would most certainly have a bennifit for that purpose

miracles do happen so whom knows if the society can secure it ; hope fully ; best wishes astonian ;;;;;
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I hope they can save the place, but I doubt they will. It was refurbished a couple of years ago, and it is lovely inside there now but no one goes in there. They have opened a cafe at the back of it and that failed to do any business and they have also turned it into a bed and breakfast but again no one uses it. No one lives near enough to the place and those that do, don't drink. Such a shame for the place.
It would seem the vandals (planners) are determined to destroy everything that is English.If there is intent to create thousands of jobs there,where will these workers go for lunch ?.I have often gone there for lunch,when working in Aston,and should be allowed to continue.
This building is on the corner of a fork to two major roads I can hardly see any firm reason to demolish it. It is perfectly easy to build behind it without the need to get rid of it.Dek
The King Edward holds particularly fond memories for me, my mom was a barmaid there in the late forties early fifties, I remember the smell of beer, fags and polish. At Christmas, the regulars were particularly generous. We also used there as our local as it was the nearest pub to where we worked in the sixties. My own personal view is that old buildings are seen as an obstacle in the way of modern progress, you only have to look back at all that has been demolished over the years in the name of 'modernisation'. As an old Astonite it almost seems that someone wants to obliterate all traces of old Aston, theres not much of it left!
The King Edward holds particularly fond memories for me, my mom was a barmaid there in the late forties early fifties, I remember the smell of beer, fags and polish. At Christmas, the regulars were particularly generous. We also used there as our local as it was the nearest pub to where we worked in the sixties. My own personal view is that old buildings are seen as an obstacle in the way of modern progress, you only have to look back at all that has been demolished over the years in the name of 'modernisation'. As an old Astonite it almost seems that someone wants to obliterate all traces of old Aston, theres not much of it left!

well said astonite..and such a shame that yet another of your childhood memories is to bite the dust..
you hang onto them its the only thing that can not be taken off you...

well what do you reckon then lynn ;the tram shed into a indoor market whats gonna behold the king edwardits on weverybody mind now
now that we know that ; and the edwards a big building ; what about an hotel ;or some think ;
for tired drivers of the motoway s coming to brum ; ?. alan astonian;;
hi alan unfortunately when minds are made up they very rarely change..saddens me to say this but i reckon the king edward will be demolished as planned but i would be more than happy to be proved wrong...
