Hello Vivienne, what a great photo! I have just recently joined this group, as I am trying to learn more about Brum in the early 1900s, specifically with regard to my grandfather Leonard George Jones. He was born in 1881 in Wantage, Berkshire, then moved to Brum as a young man and lived with the Hydes. He ended up marrying my grandmother Amelia Hyde. This photo has peaked my curiosity because my grandfather was a mechanic, a car mechanic, of all things! My dad told stories of his father hanging out with Austin and Morris, and Austin I think it was used to come to the house. My dad passed away about 8 years ago at the age of 94 and darn it, I failed to ask him more details at the time, as I did not think it that interesting. I have to confess, watching Peaky Blinders peaked my curiosity haha! Yes, my family is from Small Heath. Anyhow, I've got to get my research out and have a look at the address where they Hydes were living when they met. It is sure interesting that your ancestor work for the Hydes who were card distributers and now I want to see if there is some kind of connection. Thanks for posting this photo! I love these photos. Kellie