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Job Wragg Mineral Water Manufacture


master brummie
I wonder if anyone can help please.
I am looking for information on JOB WRAGGS MINERAL WATER FACTORY,
I believe it was in SHIRLEY SOLIHULL
My daughter managed to get postcards and labels and a actual soda syphon
with JOB WRAGGS name on.
I know Job married twice we have wives names and children.
His last address was WYDDRINGTON HOUSE Solihull Rd Shirley.
We have been to Solihull library but cannot find anything.
My sister Pat says your team are brilliant at finding things for people.
Fingers crossed.


Found a copy of Wraggs Mineral water.
The Factory was moved to Monkspath
part of the Cranmore Widney site.

Mike Jenks
Hi Sandra :wave:
I lived in Shirley from 1950 until 1974 and used to go to OUR LADY OF THE WAYSIDE Catholic Church which was an old Wooden Building The left hand side of the entrance to the old Church Was A Mineral waters Factory With lots of old soda siphons outside and i am sure it was Jobs Opposite was ARCHERS GARAGE a new Church has now replaced the old one i hope this may be of some help to you Best Brummie Wishes to you all TONY
Hi Tony,
Thanks for your reply, Can you remember if there was a house called WYDRRINGTON HALL nearby. We have a photo of it, but when we went to Solihull Library they have no recollection.
Job Wragg is the line on our tree which we cannot find info on all his children
we have their names and birth years.
We will keep on searching,
Thanks again,
Hi Lencops,
I believe Lithia Water was a mineral water containing lithium salts.
The Thesaurus says its a mineral water naturally or artificially impregnated with mineral salts or gasses, often effervesant, often used therapeutically.
I hope I have got it right.
Potass water it said was a bit like alkaseltzer.
By the way how did you get the labels, are you related to Job Wragg by anychance.
Sandra, I did a google search, typed in Job Wragg Mineral Water and one or the results was a site selling the labels i think they were priced at $5 + £3 postage for an assortment, just wanted to give you a bit of help.
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Just Pickeed Up On Your Thread Regarding
The Min, Water Manu, Factur,Do You Know Whom Was The First Company
To Introduce And Manufact In B,ham , The Very First Bottle Of Soda Waters
And Where About In B,ham Was It Made And Whom Created The Formula
Before They Made There First Attemp To Make Lemonade ,
And If Possible Where Would They Have Gone To Registered There Formula For Patern,
Best Wishes ASTONIAN ,;;
The 1901 census shows Job and his family living at Wyddington in Solihull Lane Shirley,Solihull lane is off Streetsbrook Road almost where it meets the Stratford road.
In 1891 he lived at Oughton road,Aston
1881 Ten acres Northfield with second wife Harriet Vaughan who he married in 1879 afer his wife Eleanor died in 1878 living with them mother in law Sarah Vaughan and his children

In all cases he is Mineral water manufacturer except 1871
In 1871 he is living Quadrant,New Street,birmingham with Eleanor and 10 year old Priscilla and his occupation is Custodian of Chambers
1881 census northfield, children,
Priscilla 20 Ruth 9, John Jesse 8 and Harriet 1

children Ruth 19,Harriet 10,Harold 8,Eugenie 6,Mabel 5 Adelaide 3
Eveline 1

1901 Ruth 29,Harriet 20,Harold 18,Eugenie 16,Mabel 15,Adelaide 13,
Eveline 11,ethel 9,Hilda 7 and muriel 3.
How Are You Keeping These Days , Fine I Hope
Many Thanks For Your Most Valued Time And Your Valued Information
And A Fast Inforative Reply
As I Am Doing A Project On This Subject As I Have Leart One Of My Great Grand Fathers Was A MinERAL Water ManUfact ,I,ve Been Told By An Old
Auntie Many Years Ago Whom Made Some Sort Of A Formula ,In A Shed, ManY Many Years And He Lived Doewn In Gerrard Street I Beleive In The
18OO,s Period In Hockley And He Sold A Formula To Some-One
Which I Will Not Name Just Right Now Thanks Again Alberta You Are A True Star , Best Wishes ASTONIAN
just found this site and messages - Eveline Wragg was my maternal grandmother. I remember her telling us about the soda water, and in particular about someone who lived on nothing but the soda water for a long, long, time, as a publicity stunt (the type of story that would appeal to a child, but cannot now remember the details). I also know there was mention of Wragg's soda water in a book (title now unknown) written about the history of Birmingham's water. I remember her reading the book about 30 years ago when it would then have been newly published. Hope this is of some help - I will see if I can remember any more!
Hi Carol,
Thank you for your information, Eveline Wragg who you metioned do you know who she married and any children they may have had.?
We are doing the Wragg family tree and have gone back to 1740, we have found out lots of interesting info on the family. We are now concentrating on
Job Wragg (mineral water) and his children all 13 of them.
If you would like to contact me , with your email address, I can give you any info we have.
Thanks again . Sandra
Hi Sandra My mother in law was Sarah Wragg b1914 in Aston her father was James born 1870 living in Lawley Street.Have you any of these in your family tree?
Thanks Pam
Hi Pam,
Thank you for your reply,
At the momment I cannot seem to find a link, but never say never, Sarah is probably a daughter of someone on the tree I haven't got round to researching yet. Quite a few of the WRAGGS came from Aston have you any more information you can share, like parents ,grandparents,gt grandparents.
Look forward to your reply
Hi Sandra Sarah was born 1914 her parents James1870 and Sarah in 1901 lived in Devon Street grandparents were William b 1846 and Elizabeth and haven't managed to trace further back.Any info would be much appreciated.
Thanks Pam
I am the Great Great Grandaughter of Job Wragg, his youngest daughter Muriel Wragg, was married to my fathers grandfather William J Findon.

We have a crate in our basement that would of held the Wragg bottles.

You are correct, Job had his factory in Birmingham, on the corner of Well Lane & Allison Street near the bull ring. he later moved to 568 Stratford Road, Shirley where QuikFit is now located, as previously mentioned, to the LHside of the church.

Would love to hear any history etc, maybe we can swap details Sandra?


Pippa Findon
Hi there

My husband comes from a large family of Wraggs and we are from Shirley, Solihull. We have an elderly Auntie who we have asked about this and she doesn't know if we are related or not. I'd be interested to find out if we are.
Hi Carmen,
Thank you for your interest in Job Wragg. I have been researching the WRAGG tree now for about 5 years and have about 8 books on them dating back to 1763. At the moment I am doing a lot of research on Job and his children, I have quite a few photos of him. I know a lot of his family are from Solihull and Shirley area.Would it be possible to let me know your Aunts name and what relation she is to Job Wragg please.
Look forward to your reply, and hope we can share info,

I have just seen this thread come back to life again! funnily enough, i have recently found a pocket watch in my grandmothers house, inscribed with Job Wraggs name in it.
Post up the family tree you have done Sandra, would be lovely to see it. Maybe we could fill in the gaps?

Wraggs were on the Stratford road originally that site is now run by Kwick fit Tyres. In 1980
they moved to a new site at Cranmore Widney Estate.
company records show the Business now dissolved.

Mike Jenks
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I hadn't seen this thread before but I do know I spent many a break at school (Our Lady of the Wayside) trying to peer into the yard next door which was Wraggs. I rememebr you could see empty bottles and crates piled up outside. I am not sure when they went - suspect it was after I left (1964) and then became KwikFit.

On the 1901 census it lists Wyddrington just before it lists Longmore Lane so I suspect it is not Solihull Lane off Streetsbrook but is in fact what is now Solihull Road in Shirley. Indeed in 1911 it is listed as Solihull Road. It is also listed as Solihull Road in 1912 Kelly's directory.

I have now checked my copies of Old Shirley maps and the only houses in Solihull Road at that time are on the right travelling from Stratford Road up to approximately where Woolman's Garden Centre now is. Unfortunately none of the houses are named so it is hard to pinpoint the exact one.

Hi Janice, We have just noticed your replies on the Wraggs. I have been doing research on the Wragg family and have gone back to 1740. Are you related by anychance. I hope you are its always exicting to meet and swap info. We have lots of photos we have one of Wydrington were Job lived.We look forward to your reply. Sandra
Not a relative it was just that I saw the thread and having started life as a Shirleyite (now married to a Brummie and living in Birmingham) I thought I would add a bit of info. My Mom has always lived in Shirley/Solihull so I did some research for her hence the maps. Plus a fascination with local history.
