hi guys
i am sorry to be a pest but i have been told of a mary jelf and a ernie jelf whom was living in ashed row bham 7 is there anybody could throw light on this couple
or any age on these people can any body some kind of inkling on how i can persue the subject
i can recall my mother of telling when she was ytoung of living in ashed row before moving to no 1 new cannal street with the parents and she recalled how when she was young that her father and mother whilst planning to go some where they dashed into the church of st martins to get married
and that would have been with bertha victoria hinton and not a mary jelf
to me the 64 dollar question is whom was she i know that there was only one sisterwhom was part of the jelfs brothers and that was ivy can any body give me a house number or buildng number
in ashed row 1933 it also appears the jelfs family occuppied this property for years
but ernie had moved from there to no1 new cannal stret at some time
once again i thank any body whom may be able to give me a start iof this jig saw
was mary and ernie marrid before hinton thank you astonion
i am sorry to be a pest but i have been told of a mary jelf and a ernie jelf whom was living in ashed row bham 7 is there anybody could throw light on this couple
or any age on these people can any body some kind of inkling on how i can persue the subject
i can recall my mother of telling when she was ytoung of living in ashed row before moving to no 1 new cannal street with the parents and she recalled how when she was young that her father and mother whilst planning to go some where they dashed into the church of st martins to get married
and that would have been with bertha victoria hinton and not a mary jelf
to me the 64 dollar question is whom was she i know that there was only one sisterwhom was part of the jelfs brothers and that was ivy can any body give me a house number or buildng number
in ashed row 1933 it also appears the jelfs family occuppied this property for years
but ernie had moved from there to no1 new cannal stret at some time
once again i thank any body whom may be able to give me a start iof this jig saw
was mary and ernie marrid before hinton thank you astonion