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Born a Brummie
Hi everyone,

I am looking for JOHN Jeffries whose family in 1881 were living at 24 Court 8 House Lower Tower Street Birmingham.

John married an ADA and had 6 children. After he died ADA went to live in Canada taking her 6 children with her. She lived at 121 Courcelette Road Toronto Onterio.

What I'd like to find out is:

When was John born?
When did he and Ada marry and her surname?
When did John die and where (if possible) he is buried?

I am hoping to find any descendents of ADA who are still in Canada.
I have tried looking at shipping lists for her and the children but as I don't know when she left these shores I am not getting very far and I don't know any of the children's names :cry:

Sorry this request is so long but you are my last hope!! And as I know how helpful everyone is I'm sure SOMETHING will come up!!!

Many thanks to you all.
John William Jeffries married Ada Mary Lock 1891 Aston
ref. 6d 718
In 1901 living 9ct 16 Arthur Street, Aston (Bordesley)
john William Jeffries age 31 B. Bham Bedstead maker
wife Ada age 30 b. Bham
William George age 8
Annie elizabeth age 6
john age 3
Ada age 1
Census entries point to him having been born 1869/70
Ada Lock in 1881

Name Relation Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation Disability
George LOCK Head M Male 44 Yardley, Worcester, England Iron Worker
Maria LOCK Wife M Female 42 Worcester, Worcester, England
George Wm. LOCK Son U Male 19 Birmm, Warwick, England Tin Plate Worker
Ann Maria LOCK Daur U Female 17 Birmm, Warwick, England Bedstead Painter (Brass)
Alice Emma LOCK Daur Female 12 Birmm, Warwick, England Scholar
Ada Mary LOCK Daur Female 10 Birmm, Warwick, England Scholar
Emily LOCK Daur Female 8 Birmm, Warwick, England Scholar
Rose LOCK Daur Female 6 Birmm, Warwick, England Scholar

Source Information:
Dwelling 4 Bk 97 Warwick St
Census Place Aston, Warwick, England

Hope this helps, Alberta
Many, many thanks Alberta for your time and trouble but sadly I don't think this is our John and Ada as in the 1881 census John's parents, John and Sarah are living with his older brother and sisters, William age 7, Ada age 4 (this Ada Jeffries married James LATCHFORD another maternal grandparent) and Jane age 9 month John senior is 33years old and Sarah is 30.

Other children that were born after Jane are: JOHN, MICHAEL,CAROLINE, and ANNIE.

I am very grateful to you and thank you again Alberta

Sorry Rowan but I cannot understand why you believe this is not your John.UnlessI am mistaken the 1881 entry you are referring to is 8 Lower Tower Street
John 33 Bedstead maker,Sarah 30,John 12,William 7,Ada 4,Jane 9 months.
1901 entry
1 court 16 Arthur Street.
John 54 Bedstead maker,Sarah 52,Fanny 20,Annie 17,Caroline 13,Harry 11.
the entry I sent to you before
9 Court 16 Arthur Street
John Wm 31 bedstead maker,Ada 30,Wm 8,anie 6,John 3 and Ada 1 seems to be too much of a coincedence.
Don't be put off by a year or two difference in ages as the census were not always too accurate.
Further points of interest.I think that Fanny was the nickname of Jane as I can find no births of a Fanny or Frances around that time also no births of a Michael Jeffries.
1901 entry Back of 103 Rupert street
James Latchford 27 Coffin furniture cutter out,Ada age 25 and Jane age 2.
Oh Alberte you really,really are a :iccle-angel: How could I have ever doubted you? I am so sorry, yes you are correct and again I send my many thanks for your time and trouble, thank you.

The reason I questioned it was because the brief I had been given before did not include John!!! :roll: So I (wrongly) conclude that he was born after Jane, naughty me!!!! :oops:

Thankyou again Alberta,very much. I can now try to find Ada's ship to Canada and hopefully her descendents :D :D

I would suggest that you check the website for WW1 soldiers (Canadian Expeditionary Forces) . I would say that most of the soldiers listed on this site were born in the U.K.
There are many Jeffries' names listed. You can view the original Attestation papers online and they reveal quite a lot of information. War records are also available from Ottawa to next-of-kin.

I checked a couple of records and found a Joseph John Jeffries, born Birmingham, Aug. 22, 1875 - wife Alice Jeffries (I realize this is not your John but may be a relative)

This site also has immigration records.


This is a direct link to the site.


Also, have you checked the Ellis Island database. This is the immigration centre at New York. www.ellisisland.org

Also the immigration centre in Canada. : www.pier21.ca

Good luck
(if the links do not work please email me directly - iwells@kingston.net)
Hi there, just to add to Isobel's post and from my own passenger search experience, Ellis Island is a good place to check even if they came to Canada. Apparently, during the winter months is when the ships came into Nova Scotia, but during the summer months the ships went into Quebec. Travelling down the St. Lawrence was extremly difficult and many who travelled it sent letters home saying basically if you come, go to to Ellis Island in New York and come up the Erie Canal it was still bad, but better than coming down through Quebec. Also, up until 1908 you could come and go across the US Boarder with no troubles at all.


Forgot to mention this site. You may already have this tho.
Automated Genealogy Index to 1901 Census of Canada


Go to 1901 Index Home page
Search Ontario
Then Search by Surname

On a quick glance I saw one Ada Jeffries -18 living in Toronto
(I am not too familar with navigating this site tho)
Good Luck
Just Thanks

:) Just a Thanks to Our Two Ontarian Ladies for posting such useful info
Much appreciated WEB sites,, noted & to be checked later,

Think One of my Mrs Gr Grandaddy,s went awol your way so these sites
will come in useful when we catch up on him a bit more :wink:
Cheers Canucki Gals xx :roll: John
Hi Isobel and KarenM

Thank you both very much for replying to my postings. I will most certainly look at the sites you have directed me to.

Everyone is so kind and helpful, thanks :D to all.

Another suggestion would be to look in the Toronto Public Library. Every major city in Canada has a city directory.

The date for the first available Toronto city directory at the Toronto
Reference Library is 1833/1834 available in microfilm on the 4th floor
Special Collections, Genealogy department.

Here is the link to a website for the Toronto Public Library. They will do one free look-up every day for a specific name or address and for 3 years at a time. (eg 1930-31-32)


Good luck