Gazzo - You may want to check out a free trial period with Ancestry or other provider. James William Swain looks like he was registered in 1879 and was born 4th May 1879
He joined up on 4th Aug 1899 in Woolwich for general service. He was 5'6", 120lb, 33" chest, fair complexion, light brown har, hazel eyes with something distinctive about his right buttock. Certainly did some time on the west coast of Africa (think around
Zungeru Nigeria) between 1903-1914 and was promoted to staff-sergeant (I think) and finally QMS. Perhaps telling that he was invalidid in w. Africa for 3 months in 1911.
Next of Kin - father Thomas Swain 371 Bolton Road, Small heath. His address 47 Langley Rd Small Heath Previous occupation Gun Smith/finisher (master is A.W.Hand of Chesterton Rd Sparkbrook) - he has a cert from Royal Small Arms Factory Sparkbrook. Mr Rowe the Grocer of 411 Bolton Rd was his reference
Only long service/good conduct medal mentioned. Good with a machine gun
Discharged as unfit for service on 29th May 1914 or 1916 with Beri-Beri - nice comments by the Colnel inc "excellent all round man"
No.899 Armourer Quarter Master Sergeant J..W.Swain in Armoured Ordinance Corps
Northern Nigeria was a British Colony/Protectorate between 1900-1914 see