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James Watt's Garret workshop now in Science Museum

I was listening to the Today programme on radio 4 when the opening of a new exhibition at the Science Museum in South Kensington London was announced. This exhibition is of James Watt's workshop from his home at Heathfield House Birmingham.

The workshop was was transported to the Science Museum in London in 1920 when the house was demolished and it has recently been reproduced faithfully for a new exhibition. What I would like to know is, what it is doing in London in the first place. This is just typical of Birmingham allowing the workshop that helped launch the worlds industrial revolution here in Birmingham to be carried off to London.

Why could Birmingham not have the foresight to hang on to a bit more of Birmingham's history, in fact why could they not have saved Heathfield House, like they eventually got around to saving and renovating Soho House.

Agree Phil. This does seem like an opportunity lost to Birmingham. There was a definite lack of foresight. But at least the workshop has been preserved. And the other way of looking at this (as the deed's now been done) is that by displaying the workshop at the Science Museum it will make a very fitting tribute to the man. Viv.
There's just been a piece on Channel 4 news showing the workshop now installed in the Science Museum. Has some interesting artefacts including a copying machine and packages that Watt wrapped himself and stored which are still unopened. Also Watt will be appearing on the new £50 note. Viv.
Hop to be visiting the Science museum at Easter ot thereabouts, will take pics if I do - if not may dispatch son in law to go and take pics for us lol!