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James Scott POW


knowlegable brummie
My Grandad was a captured in the trenches on the western front in 1915, he spent the rest of the war in a POW camp.
Is there any records of troops who were prisoners in such camps.
I think he was in the Royal Warwicks but I cannot be sure

Do you have his medals. His service number will be on the back of the Star and on the edge of the other two.

What was his full name? This may help.

There was a H Scott that served in the 2nd Royal Warwicks. He bacame a POW in 1915 but was also repatriated back home the same year.


Hi There
My Uncle was taken P.O.W at Messines RidgeI spent ages trying to trace his where abouts during his time"behind the wire",till I found out about the Red Cross I contacted them through their web site ICRC,it took about two month before I recieved a reply,but it was worth the wait.
Good Luck
My cousin Jane (Calamity), has managed to get hold of my Grandads War record and I was way off the mark. He was a POW, but was captured on 30th November 1917 at the Battle of Cambrai when the Germans counter attacked capturing 9,000 British troops. He was not in the Warwicks but the Kings Royal Rifles 10th (Service) Battalion. He had joined in August 1914 at Thorpe Street, but in the Army Service Corps, but was sent to the Kings Royal Rifles after two years "Compulsorily Transfered ( Benefit of Service )" it says on his Army record.Looks like they were trying to bolster the fighting Regiments with men with service in the support regiments.
Your post was interesting kjssScott, i found out my father served in 9th Rifle Brigade, he also ended up a Pow, I know absolutely nothing about his regiment, would it be the same regiment that you mentioned. i've often wondered if he volunteered or was conscripted, he would have been 18 at the out break of war
I cannot find a 9th (Rifle) Brigade, the 9th Brigade was part of the 3rd Division do you know his Regiment ? look at this site if gives you the make up of the 9th Brigade https://www.1914-1918.net/3div. The Kings Rifles are different to the Rifle Brigade but I cannot find a 9th Brigade with either of them. I'll try again on some othere sites.
Have you his service number you can then get his full service recored.
Hi again KjsScott, I have just re-read my parents wedding certificate again, my mistake i should have said 8th Rifle Brigade, the number at the side is Z47. not sure if that is his service number. My parents married in december 1918, because his regimental details are on the certificate i assumed he had'nt yet been demobbed, he had been gassed and was hospitalised for a while, thats all i know. Jackie
Jackie, The best advice I can give you is to start another post in the World War 1 section, putting all your Fathers details together, there are members who have access to certain records which may be able to help you or point you in the right direction. I know about the Battles and Campaigns etc but I am no expert on tracing individual soldgers Military records.
It's the 9th (Service) Battalion of the Rifle Brigade.

(Typical of the British army, the RB was not a brigade but a regiment - all confusing to the uninitiated).

Look at Infantry Regiments > Rifle Brigade on www.1914-1918.net for details.

Also read the "Research a soldier" section for how to find out about POWs.