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James Flynn b 1816Worked As A Tailor In Birmingham C1867


knowlegable brummie
I have done a lot of work on tracing my Irish ancestry but am stuck on tracing James Flynn (b1816) working in Birmingham after emigrating from Galway, Ireland (early 1860's) with spouse Bridget and two children. James had died by 1871 (Bridget shown as a Widow) but prior to that I believe he worked as a Tailor in Birmingham, in a road off Steelhouse Lane. I found a Directory Record for the year 1867 for a James Flynn (which showed the road but have mislaid the record and cant remember the name), but it did not show his occupation. I know there were shops in the road and wonder if anyone can point me suggest how I can confirm yes or no if the James Flynn was a tailor, and therefore likely my ancestor. Thanks for any help given.
In the 1858, 1860,1867 & 1868 directories James Flynn is listed as a shopkeeper at 21 Slaney St. In the 1855 directory Mary Lucas is a shopkeeper there, and in 1872 ther e is no listing for no 21. (Note the year is the year of publication and is usually taken to refer to the year before.) If he had been a tailor it would have listed him as that in the directory. A shopkeeper would almost certainly have been a mixed store selling mixed general items ,
the 1861 census gives James Flynn at no 21 as being a brick labourer, aged52, (born in ireland but cannot decipher county), married to Catherine aged 53
So does not look like your ancestor I'm afraid.
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Well, one of us has the wrong man, I have James Flynn b,1816_Galway, Ireland and in 1871 is Widowed living with his daughter Mary Clark And four grandchildren. Mary Flynn married James Clark in B'ham 1856 Sept quarter, no mention of James Clark on census. Mary Clark nee Flynn 32 years Thomas Clark 14 yrs, Sarah A 12 yrs, Mary 7 yrs and Catherine 2 yrs. I have a screenshot of the census which only contains what I've written here and if you message me with your email address i'll send it to you, regards, J.
The James Flynn at 21 Slaney St, does also have a daughter called Mary (aged either 11 or 17, not clear which), and also sons Michel (21) & Thomas (19)
Only one James Flynn died in Birmingham between 1861/1871,in the third quarter of 1865 he was age 49.
Getting the death certificate from Birmingham register office may help with ,occupation and address, and who registered the death.
Bridget died in late 1871.
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If Bridget's death was late 1871 then James should not have been a widower on the 1871 census.
Well first let me say a big, big thanks to all, and many echo info that I have and Slaney Street was in fact the street I had in mind.

In no particular order: (Jonob) I know of that James Flynn but not my ancestor. Nor (pjmburns) the masons labourer (and not in the country for 1851). You are right on your closing comment (mikejee) not my ancestor but VERY useful information. There was a daughter Mary who I understand (family info again for what it's worth) died the year after her father (she died 1870) -but no son Michel or Thomas. So James dying in 1869 would seem about right; but had no luck with that year.

To all: The family was in Galway Ireland for the Irish 1851 Census (yes I know not extant but have a census search extract of that Census (courtesy Ancestry)) This shows James with wife Bridget and 4 children. (Only 3 made it to England).

Neither James or any of the family appear in the 1861 English Census, so they emigrated early 1860's not sure of exact year. That is why I was anxious to trace James who (family information only) has it that he worked as a Tailor in Birmingham before he died (he may of course just been an employee rather than working for himself, as he did in Ireland).

It is Bridget (spouse) who in 1871 is shown as a Widow with two children daughter Bridget & son John. When Bridget (daughter) married 1879 her father James was shown as deceased and I need to backtrack to find when he died thinking it would be 1867-1870. And yes Bridget spouse only survived to October 1871 herself. Its a wonder Bridget daughter made it to become my Great grandmother and John, had a family of 10.

Now I come to (Alberta's) information which is new and spot on for a man born 1816 to die 1865 and of great interest. BUT my information of that death (or certainly the 1865 death of James Flynn in Birmingham )was that he was aged 24. (confirmed by GRO Ref 6D/96 -S qtr) and if that information is wrong and Alberta's correct, then I think that may well be the one I seek.

Living in Kent these days, I usually obtain BMD Certs via GRO but am loath to send for one which shows age at death 24. So can I ask Alberta please do you have the reference information for your 49 year old James Flynn...and I will take it from there.

But again very appreciative of the help, I have only used the Forum a few times and each time have been impressed with the help given, and none more so than now. Makes me proud to be a Brummie.
I meant to mention that your ancestor was most probably Roman Catholic and the church will have records, births, marriages and deaths, which in this case will be held at St Chads Cathedral, coincidentally, located very close to your relatives workplace and residence area. J.
The problem is that at St Chads you have to search microfilm for each church - at least when I went to the archives a couple of years ago they had not digitised things.
I meant to mention that your ancestor was most probably Roman Catholic and the church will have records, births, marriages and deaths, which in this case will be held at St Chads Cathedral, coincidentally, located very close to your relatives workplace and residence area. J.
Yes my Irish Ancestors were Roman Catholic. I know Bridget the daughter married in the RC Church of St Michael's, Moor Street, Birmingham in 1879 . Wikipedia shows this was a dedicated RC Church from 1862 and popular as I understand with Irish immigrants (& Italians for that matter). It would have come under St Chads of course as the mother church for the Diocese of Birmingham.
Only one James Flynn died in Birmingham between 1861/1871,in the third quarter of 1865 he was age 49.
Getting the death certificate from Birmingham register office may help with ,occupation and address, and who registered the death.
Bridget died in late 1871.
As mentioned, I have that James as aged 24, so would appreciate note of where you found this information, as it could well apply to my James - many thanks
Strangely - that James died 1865 aged 24 is listed as buried at St Joseph's Catholic church in Nechells. (At least according to a search on FMP).
Strangely - that James died 1865 age 24 is listed as buried at St Joseph's Catholic church in Nechells. (At least according to a search on FMP).
Although not my ancestor because of his age, your post caused me to check with FMP's England RC Parish Burials record set which I had not used before. Have taken a look at results in the hope something may show up. So far it hasn't but welcome the chance to explore a different avenue. Thanks
Strangely - that James died 1865 aged 24 is listed as buried at St Joseph's Catholic church in Nechells. (At least according to a search on FMP).

just a note to anyone who has an interest in st josephs nechells...the church is still there and up and running

Three discoveries following on from checking FMP's RC Parish Burial notices for James Flynn born 1816 in Ireland dying 1860-1870 in Birmingham

[1] An anonymous Flynn - no age - died January 1865 (Recorded St Patrick's RC Church, Dudley Road- 'Cemetery' St Joseph's-Nechells) recorded born 'Hibernian' (classical name for Ireland) . No idea why no age given or more importantly no first name. Unlikely to be an infant or child if born Ireland.
[2] a JOHN Flynn aged 49 died 1863,(born c1814) residence back of 135 Tennant Street (runs parallel to Broad Street). Recorded for St Joseph's Nechells . 1863 instead of 1865 and John not James but was this the 49 year old referred to by Alberta?
[3] JOHN Flynn aged 46 in 1865 (born c1819) St Joseph's RC Church, residence Great Brook Street. Again registered as John and age too far adrift anyway.

*The only James Flynn is still the one aged 24 in 1865 found in all searches but unless that age is totally wrong I see little point in pursuing*

I also pursued Mary Flynn (born 1851) the daughter who I believe also died 1860-1870 but nothing even remotely of interest unless she was the anonymous Flynn? I thought she made it to England and died shortly after her father, but information could be wrong.

I had expected to find them all interred Witton Cemetery which came online about 1863 as I know Bridget Westbury (nee Flynn) - James' daughter - was buried there in 1927 and her brother John Flynn in c1907. This does not appear to have happened with the Flynn's who died in the 1860-1870's but will continue looking.

It would be nice to assign a death registration and a place of burial as everything else tallies, but for the moment these remain as 'brick walls'
There is a Birmingham death registered in 1874 of a Mary Ann Flinn (born abt 1854).
Yes I know the one to which you refer, and although the dates are a tad out, I am wondering if she was baptised Mary Ann? I say this because when her sister's eldest daughter (my future Grand mother) was born in 1882, she was named Mary Ann...perhaps in memory of her late sister. Food for thought and thanks
In the 1858, 1860,1867 & 1868 directories James Flynn is listed as a shopkeeper at 21 Slaney St. In the 1855 directory Mary Lucas is a shopkeeper there, and in 1872 ther e is no listing for no 21. (Note the year is the year of publication and is usually taken to refer to the year before.) If he had been a tailor it would have listed him as that in the directory. A shopkeeper would almost certainly have been a mixed store selling mixed general items ,
the 1861 census gives James Flynn at no 21 as being a brick labourer, aged52, (born in ireland but cannot decipher county), married to Catherine aged 53
So does not look like your ancestor I'm afraid.
Hi Mikejee thanks for this information. This James Flynn is in my family tree. He was the second husband of my Great, Great, Great Grandmother, and his son Michael was the first husband of my Great Great Grandmother (she was his step sister so no direct relation).
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I have been very interested in the information on James Flynn, as I am descended from John Flynn, (3x great grandfather) I have a copy of his marriage certificate, St Michael Church June 1872, James Flynn is recorded as deceased and a tailor. With Bridget Flynn as a witness.
Hi there Smarts, well in that case we are most definitely cousins as James Flynn was my 2nd Gt Grandfather with his second marriage to Bridget (Biddy) Walsh. His son John Flynn a Great Uncle so possibly making us 3rd cousins once removed). I have been researching for a good many years but only really concentrated on my Irish ancestry these last 5 or so. I know John & Louisa (Maber) had a sizeable family (10 children I believe) and so would be interested in finding out more about your own line of descent. (I note from my Tribal pages I have been in communication with a Jackie Warren who also descended via John & Louisa; perhaps you know of her also?) I am not sure about private messaging on the Bham Forum so can I suggest you email me at spiersrw@aol.com and I will be happy to see if I can be of help to you, and of course, you to me. If you reply back we can take it from there. Best regards Noodles
On here private messaging is called a "conversation". You need to change your preferences to allow this to happen. Smarts already allows this.
Members are advised not to post email addresses on open forum but to exchange them by PM.
Thanks and I believe I have now changed my preferences and allow conversations with 'Members' hopefully this is correct. I just have to check how one access PM but I am sure I will work this out when I am ready to use same.
Yes you have. To start a conversation click on the name under someone's avatar and then "start a conversation"
To read a message sent to you - it will show as a red number by the envelope next to your name at the top of the screen. (I have just had a message and it shows like this_ Click on the envelope to read.