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J B Bruce Ltd Brass Founders




I have recently found that my 3x Great Grandfather, Joseph Benjamin Bruce owned J B Bruce Ltd Brass Founders and Shop Fitters on Holloway Head, Birmingham. I have found several entries in the directories but apart from that I have no info at all. I am looking for info on when the factory opened, how many it employed, when it closed etc....

Does anyone know where I can find such info?

Thank you
This may be of some assistance from kellys (dates are dates of publication )

The firm is not mentioned in the 1884 Kellys, but:
1888, 1890
Bruce, Joseph Benjamin, Brassfounders, Exeter passage, Ernest St
Bruce Joseph Benjamin, brass founder, Havelock works, Ernest street, & shop front fitter, 89 & 91 Newhall street
1895 -1904
Bruce, Joseph Benjamin, Shopfitter & Brassfounders, Havelock Works, Exeter passage & Ernest St
Bruce J. B. shop fitters' brass founder, Holloway head & electric light fittings manufacturer, Havelock -works, Ernest street
1912, 1913, 1921
Bruce J. B. Ltd.shop fitters' brass founders, Havelock works, Holloway head.
Bruce J. B. Ltd. shop fittings, general brass founders & stampers & piercers, Havelock works, Holloway head.
Bruce J. B. Ltd. brass founders, Havelock works, Holloway head
1943, 1944
Bruce J. B. Ltd. shop window fittings mfrs. Havelock works, Holloway head
1949, 1950,1956
Bruce J. B. Ltd. shop window fittings mfrs. Havelock works, 15 to 29 Holloway head
Bruce J. B. Ltd. shop window fittings mfrs. Havelock works, Seeleys rd. Greet 11
Bruce J. B, display mfrs, 'Seeleys rd B11.9LN
Kellys end there, so have no further information.

Attached is a map circa 1910 showing where the works are when it is in holloway head, and also approximately the position in Ernest st, When in holloway head I think the factory was where the white space is on the north side of the road, to the right of the map. (I have placed a red cross to mark it) the building to the right of it is either no 15 or 17, and J.B bruce is unnumbered, but between nos 13 & 31. While at Ernest st/exeter passage (marked in blue), I would guess it was the buildings just above the white space between the two.
Thank you so much for this info, it is gratefully appreciated.:grinsmile:

I know you have helped me greatly but do you know where I could find any info on how many were employed there or when my 3xGt Grandfather took over/opened the business. On the 1881 census, he was listed as being a Brass Founder Pattern Maker and on the 1891 census he was listed as a Brass Founder Employer.

Thank you for you assistance

There may be something in the local studies section at the library. It’s worth contacting them and asking. The site https://www.search.revolutionaryplayers.org.uk/engine/resource/exhibition/standard/default.asp?resource=2022 is a good introduction to brassfounding.
If you look at the map in my post on Holloway head on the south side on the right hand corner of Ernest st there is a largish building . This very close to where Joseph set up and is the works in 1880 of Martineau & Smith, brassfounders, who were a well known company. People in those days tended often to stay in areas they knew , so possibly this is where Joseph developed his craft. If he lived in this area in 1881, I would think there’s a good chance this was where he was employed.