knowlegable brummie
The judge said step down boy and dry up your tears
you're going to prison for a term of ten years
He thought for a moment shuddering with fright
then the truth hit him he went out like a light
Your honour I'm innocent I didn't do the crime
The judge said "down boy "start doing your time
He cried "I'm not a bad man "he stood in the dock
manacled and handcuffed he staggered in shock
What will happen to my wife a mother of three
the jury didn't rule on what was happening to me
The appeal against my sentence didn't go well
I still remain incarcerated in this living hell
There's no justice in condemning an innocent man
I won't let this change the person I am
Many years later I'm still behind the wall
the moral of this tale "be a lesson to all.!
Eamon 1943
you're going to prison for a term of ten years
He thought for a moment shuddering with fright
then the truth hit him he went out like a light
Your honour I'm innocent I didn't do the crime
The judge said "down boy "start doing your time
He cried "I'm not a bad man "he stood in the dock
manacled and handcuffed he staggered in shock
What will happen to my wife a mother of three
the jury didn't rule on what was happening to me
The appeal against my sentence didn't go well
I still remain incarcerated in this living hell
There's no justice in condemning an innocent man
I won't let this change the person I am
Many years later I'm still behind the wall
the moral of this tale "be a lesson to all.!
Eamon 1943
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