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Illegible next of kin....can anyone help?


Brummie by marriage
Can of the talented picture restorers on this forum makeout what the 'relationship' is supposed to be on the sign up papers? I can't make out the first letter.
I don't think that the word is brother. Could the first letter possibly be father with a flowery F (for father)?
I think it might be father - the style of the F seems similar to the style of the T on Thomas.
Shera is really good at reading flowery writing
Lynne, at the side in brackets it says (I think) address not known, but under that it says relationship (typed) - it is the word wrote after that, that leslam is trying to read
sorry,i think it must be father,the letter before the t looks like the stick part of an a, a lot of the army
papers are faded like that.
Thank you all. I was hoping that it was father as I knew that Billy had had previously been estranged from his Dad (or rather his father abandonned him and his siblings when they were about 10). I don't think that they were ever reconciled.