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Ideal Cafe, Coventry Road


master brummie
I found Anne Hammond, proprieter of the Ideal Cafe, Coventry Road, South Yardley on the 1911 census. Could anyone tell me where the cafe was on the Coventry Road. Checking neighbours on the 1911 doesn't help as they lived in Papragon House and Albion House. I would like a "house" number, if possible.
If my memory serves me right they demolished the cafe
they built an office blockof insurance company and the job centre ajoining it many many years ago the insurance company moved and the job centre at the swan yardly extented the building which is still there today astonian ;;;
I think I know where you mean, part of the Swan Shopping Centre. I remember the old Swan Public House (the black and white building) before the new one built on the othere side of the road. That's gone now too.
Hi sue
it was not in 5he complex as you walked pass the swan cntre there was a side rd with old houses i cannot recall the name but this was well before the swan centre of ever thought of it was a good 400 yrds passed the swan ctre if you know the job ctre at the swann it was on that block the cafe was astonian , ps . Are you related to dennis malin , or alice malin ,
The numbers between Church Rd and Lily Rd were 1506 to 1584 which was, at one time, the Refuge Assurance Co.
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Hi sue ,
its me again i know in my heart and soul we are talking about the same familyand what bammot as put is around where i said it was the main rd crossing the coventry rd is church rd so when you pass the island
at the swann the rd from the left is church rd continue along the main coventry rd the first rd passed the old swann complex its not that one
its the second rd i think it was lily rd and its was on that corner where the cafe was situated i have left birmingham many years ago so i have forgotten the names of the roads but i know the area very well
andi do know the big malin family and if you went down coventry rd tonight or any other day and asked most of the older generation about the malins and the pardoes and even them i know them and most familys
down deakin rd hay mills they know me we all from the same club ,
the hay mills social club or even for well known at the yardley exsermams club soth yardley where one or two members was on the committe there you could write to the ex service club there at the swan
the chairman or the secretary could give you info;
i will be travelling down to b;ham acocks green shortly to see my eleven year old grand son so i will be passing there if i can see acouple of olf friends i will asked about them here is a friend of mine whom lives by my daughterby the name of dave he knows all of the malins more closely than me because of there car dealins if any body knows he will okay
speak to you soon sue best wishes astonian
Astonian, A Mr.Goldsmith managed Chetwyns newsagents & tobacconist i think the name was changed to Malin`s later circa 1945? in Church Rd down from the corner of Coventry Rd/Church Rd he was from Charlton, London and had a daughter Lynn? who is a school teacher. Len.
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Astonian, The first road from the Swan island on the Coventry Rd is Lily Rd, 2nd is Preston Rd, 3rd is Yew Tree Lane. Len.
Hi len
i think you are going in the wrong direction if you are coming up the cov;
from the city as you approach the swan centre the bus stopped out side and you could walk into the centre ; now if getting off the bus and you walk back wards you are heading for church rd but get off the bus and walk forwarded towards the air port going that direction
after passing the front of the centre keep walking then you come to a road which there was a tobacanist he been there for years just like the one on church rd but getting back to the tobacoist on the cov rd walk past him to the next corner still on the cov; thats where the cafe was
i can remember when hey was building the new block of flats on the corner also builing the job centre
they knocked down most of all the old shops and built the job centre
so the job centre was built between along side the cafe when that finished an insurance company converted into an office afew years later
they moved and the job centre expanded to the corner
i used to live on coventry rd many years ago when the old roots car factory there when that closed down and stood empty for years
and then asda came along massive store came face to face with my house so i up sticks and moved but thats where i the cafe was two rds along from the centre
best wishes len take care astonian ,;;
Astonian, Coming from the City on the Coventry Rd left hand side you would pass Oaklands Rec, Henry Rd, Howard Rd, Willard Rd, Swan Island. Church Rd, Hardings bakery shop, Smiths tobacconist, entrance to Hardings bakery van loading bay, Spains radios & electrical, Hardings bakery offices, some houses. Lakeys shoe shop, Jesters butchers, a Menswear shop, Coopers greengrocers, Entrance to a blacksmiths, a Bank, Newsagents. Sweet shop. The Tivoli cinema, Lily Rd, more shops, Preston Rd, Slaters Dairy, a Garage, Yew Tree Lane, Houses, Rowlands Rd. I was born in 1929 & lived in Charles Edward Rd which is between what was The Swan hotel & The New Inn on the other side of the Coventry Rd until 1953, the rconstruction of Swan area began i 1966, so with respect i have got it right. Len.
Hullo People can anyone in here tell me what the lane was called that used to run down along the side of Wimbushes please ? On the Coventry road . My mums gran used to live here and I would like to establish the name of the lane so I can look it up on a census .
Thanks jean
Cats i think it was Green lane. The Cafe Sue is looking for has long been gone. The one on the job centre site opened in the early 70s but did'nt last long. While the Swan was being redeveloped some temperaly shops were built , amongst them was a cafe called Franks.
Astonian - you mention a tobaconist near the Ideal Cafe. The 1911 census shows the neighbours of the cafe, one being a tobaconist and the other a drapers. I used to live at 1009 Coventry Road, Hay Mills. It was a little cottage owned by the brewery. There were four cottages and then the pub on the corner of the Fordrough. St. Cyprian's Church and Webster and Horsefall were in the Fordrough. The cottages were demolished in 1975. Is this where ASDA has been built? There used to be a wholesale Hardware company on the site. I worked at Smith's Industries for a short time which was further along the Coventry Road. Mother in Law worked at Roots along with an aunty of mine.
suemalings, I think you must have worked at David Harcourt & Sons who made all sorts of gauges for cars and engineering ie ammeters, petrol, oil pressure and large gauges for hydraulic systems, they were taken over by Smiths Industries, the factory was on the Coventry Rd by Hay Mills bridge facing the park, Asda was built were the Rootes/Singer cars factory was.
It was Smith when I worked there. I was there the week Princess Anne got married. As I lived just 100 yards up the road, we all went to my place at lunch time to watch the wedding on the TV. Princess Anne obviosuly wasn't important enough to give us a public holiday!

Any ideas what was built on the land where our cottages were? I know there is a major roundabout now, but the park is sill there. There was a pub on the othere side of the road too, right next to the bridge. Is that still there?
Thanks to you both Im coming home to brum tomorrow and will tell my mum . She said it wasnt there now . But is it over grown ? I dont know .
Thanks for that one :) . I love to see all of you having a good natter in here .. its like our own little private piece of Brum that the developers cant take off us . Our memories .
I find it hard when i go back because it isnt the same .. all big buildings for posh people and huge main roads cutting comunities in half . God knows how older people feel . I feel very sad for people .
Regards Jean

Another suggestion for you....immediately after Wimbushes, on the left was Little Green Lane and this formed a fork with Green Lane and on the apex of these two roads was Green Lane Library (which was my library and now a mosque). Also immediately before Wimbushes was a small road named Bowling Green Road. In the mists of time I seem to recall there was a pub on the corner of this road which my grandfather used.

June now that sounds more like it .. My mum was talking sort of along those lines . Well the ladies name was Kathleen Clarke and she was a widow . But I think thats how my mum described where it was . Im not sure if she will be on the 1901 census but I shall go look . Thanks for that June :)
Kind regards Jean
Suemalings if the cottages were the ones almost next to St Crispen's chuch the site they were on would be the entrance to the car park where Next is on the other side of the island from ASDA . St Crispens chuch is still there and the Fordrough not sure about Latch and bachelor though
The pub in Hay Mills is the Plough, its boarded up at the moment but i dont know of any plans to demolish it.
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Catsclaws, 1 of my sisters was married in St Cyprians church, Webster & Horsfall wire & tube makers built the church over the River Cole they were taken over by Tube Investments and the entrance to the factory is by the refuse site. Len.
Lencops you brought many happy memories back when you were describing the layout of Coventry Rd. You mentioned a dairy called Slaters was it ever called Freemans dairies? I was born at 1948 Coventry Rd and remember the shops you mentioned. What happened to the Good Companions pub, I bet that has long gone? I haven't seen that side of Birmingham since the 1960's.
earlgary, Next to Slaters was Freemans Transport they did some sort grain deliveries only when a lorry arrived was the front open, The Good Companions was part demolished, bits added and became Harry Ramsdens restaurent & take away, then The Shooting Star, a so called fun pub, its now a Spice Island, Indian, Chinese food etc, had many a great night at the dances in The Good Uns as we locals it, in my younger days!!. Len.
Freemans also had milk tankers. They closed in the late 70s, thier building became a car spares centre. It is now a tyre depot. The Good Companians was completely demolished, The short lived Harry Ramsdens restraunt was a complete rebuild. The area has changed so much since the 60s and is about to do so again.
Suemalings the factory is still there the church and a couple of cottages past the church towards the factory gates i think they or 1 of them is a vicarage. The Plough has been boarded up for years ,don't know what's happening with that .Good luck with your search Bernie
Is that the passageway my mum is on about then Len . She says that there was Green lane and then Wimbushes and the wall to the factory was the wall to a small dead end passageway with a single row of house going down facing that wall . Her Gran Kathleen Clarke lived in the house at the end of the passage way . But mum cant remember the name of it . I think It might have been before I was born in 1956 .. I dont know

Best wishes Jean BTW len was that last message meant for me .. I must be a bit think :)
I went to school with a Roger Freeman and somewhere in my memory I connected him to the Freemans milk business. Isn't it a shame that all the olds pubs are disappearing,I read on this site that the Waggon and Horses was being pulled down I think if I went back there I wouldn't know the area there used to be lots of fields and open spaces. On the opposite side of the road to the Good Companions was a block of shops where we used to collect our rations are they still there?