Sorry to put a damper on this but dogs that big and children that small should never be in mixed company.
bewdly, Great pic and what a beautiful Doberman, such intelligent and friendly dogs, I had one called Sam, sadly I he died 2 years ago aged 15. I gather your Grandchildren are in Tally's bed hence the bemused expression. Eric
It wasn't really an 'opinion' Bewdley, tragedies with children and dogs are fairly common and most owners involved in those tragedies will always say "But the dog was tame and loving I never thought this could happen."
I was reading recently about a four year old who simply offered grannies pet Doberman a biscuit, the dog grabbed her by the throat and despite the best efforts of the grandmother to get him off he killed the child.
you wouldn't approve of this either one of my great grandsons & Zane my Mastiff -Great Dane cross. When this age you couldn't separate them and Zane watched over him like he was one of his own.
View attachment 111247
Bewdley Here is my Sam and Anna in the local woods, taken many years ago, both sadly missed. Also a painting of them I have hanging on my wall.View attachment 111256 View attachment 111257 Eric
Bewdley, I think dogs are very sensitive to atmospheres too. I went to the plague village in Derbyshire (Eyam?) with Kvin and there were certain parts of the footpaths he wouldn't walk on. He insisted on crossing the roads and then crossing back further up. I could
never find out why but I'm sure he had his reasons.
I totally agree about training. It's so important. We'd not had a dog before and didn't realise how strict you have to be from the outset. Elkhounds are pack dogs and he thought he was the leader. Many of our problems were of our own making and took a long time to sort out.
It always amazes me how they can tell the time too. He always knew when it was time for me to come home from work and would take up his position by the front door. I miss the unconditional love - no matter what has gone before they are always so pleased to see you aren't they?
MY favourite pic of Anna taken after a freak snow storm many years ago, sorely missed. EricView attachment 111315
Their pure happiness when they see us is one of the things I love about having a dog and can't understand how people can be cruel to animals. It breaks my heart when you see badly treated dogs on the TV who are usually so forgiving and willing to please the owners who maltreat them.
I believe the maximum prison sentence for animal cruelty is 6 months, which means they will probably be released after 3 months. These prison sentences are far too lenient, & personally i would like to see these offenders strung up by their useless testicles or maybe put in the old fashioned stocks for a good period so we can pelt them with good old doggy poo, or horse poo! But that`s probably against their human rights.
Reading your lovely stories this week has made me happy and also sad, especially the Tennyson quote because 2 weeks ago we found out that our little Alice has a bladder tumour.
We have always had 2 Yorkies, at the moment the largest we have ever owned our Bradley age 4 and our tiny Alice age 8.
The tumour is inoperable because it is in the wall of the bladder and she is too tiny to survive the op.
We do not know how long we have ,hopefully quite a while yet.
She is on low dose anti inflammatories and has an injection every Tuesday to check the growth of the tumour.
She is happy, running on her walks, barking in the window at passers by and fighting Bradley for the toys.
Her only problem, she is peeing for Britain so has gone back to puppy pads and wakes up a couple of times in the night to use them.
We know that in the future we shall have a decision to make and, like most of you here know, it is not an easy one but none of us would see our 'babies' suffer in pain.
At the present time we have 2 happy Yorkies one of which is becoming very ,very spoilt ,lol.
Bewdley, That is the one snag of having a dog (or cat), they have a comparative short life compared to ours, consequently we have the upset of losing them, this has happened numerous times in my fairly long life (86yo) and I say 'never again' but within a short time another dog or cat comes into my life, especially now I live by myself since losing my Wife. Eric