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i am on a mission


Staff member
hi all...with so many members(including myself) searching for pictures of various streets/roads/schools/pubs etc...i will spending the weekend trawling through carrier bags full of evening mail papers going through carl chinns articles dated from 1997 to 2000 in the hopes of finding some that have not been seen on the forum and maybe some that members are searching for...of course i cant say for certain that they have not been posted before but i do hope that i can come accross some of interest...it will take me some time to go through them..scan and upload so please bare with me...

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Go for it Lyn. We're all grateful for your efforts. would help if i was in brum
mike. just off to visit dad at the hospital then i shall knuckle down to it...ps any idea how to get the black print off me hands...lol

catch you later..

Phew a mamouth task Lyn good luck. Say hello to your Dad from us I hope he is OK.
wendy it keeps me out of trouble..(just). dad had a heart attack 10 days before xmas followed by a massive stroke...yesterday with assistance he took his first 3 steps...we are over the moon...we now see light at the end of the tunnel....

catch you later...

Oh gosh what a terrible time you must have had. I am glad to hear things are improving. Send him our love and hope for a speedy recovery from the forum.
Sounds as if your dad is doing pretty well lyn, its amazing how good the techniques are for treating people now. Hope he carries on in leaps and bounds
Lyn, that really is excellent news about your Dad. I hope his recovery goes from strength to strength.

Lyn: I am sure many of us will be grateful for your efforts.

How happy you must feel at your Dad's progress and how happy he must to be progressing,

Best wishes to you all.

I'm glad things are going better for your dad and I know that your love will have helped him through at this bad time, just as all the love of my daughters helped me get through even the darkest night.


Bless you Lyn for your efforts with the photos, etc. So glad to hear that your Dad is making progress. Best wishes to you all today and in the future.
o gosh..thank you all so much for your well wishes...the reason i didnt let it be known before is that i think sometimes we just want to keep our upsets to ourselves for a while...it has been very bad at times and we never expected dad to progress like he is as he was very poorly for some time...but hes a typical tough brummie and wont give in easily...can i just end by saying that unbeknown to most of you this forum and all its members have kept me sane this past few weeks...thank you all...

right back to sorting them pics out..

Your hard work & kindness is really appreciated, Lyn. The contributions you make help to make BHF the excellent site it is. Thank you.
Hi Lyn....Very best wishes for your Dad's ongoing recovery.

Don't forget to stop for a cuppa when you are wading through all those papers.

hi all. ive put some pics under general pics...inspirational thread...

hope you like them..will post more tomorrow...


florence ive had 10 cuppas already...
Lyn. Really grateful for all your efforts. But please give my best wishes to your Dad for a speedy recovery. All the best, Barry.
Hi Lyn,
Sorry to hear about your dad not being well. Happy to read that he is on the mend. Hope you come across some good stuff but wear some clothes during your search (bare with me!!). Good luck.
hi dave...lol..i spelt that one wrong didnt i.....yes dad is ok thank you...and continues to make a little progress with the aid of physio...god willing he may get to walk a little in time....mom has also had heart prolems the last 3 months but i am happy to say things seem to be settling down now.....as soon as i get that bracebridge st pic sent to me i will post it for you...
