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House Location on Map


proper brummie kid
I'm trying to locate my grandfather's home using the 1913 Birmingham Map. He lived at 70 Great Russell St. As per the 1891 Census, it states number "70" - three rooms occupied. Neighbours above and below are listed as, #74 and #69. Following #69, entries are written as "do" - 18 Ct - 1H.

Any help would be most welcomed.
Thank You.
Here is a page on this forum that has photo's and information on Great Russell Street.

Here is an 1890 survey map that probably would not have changed much by the date that you are interested in.

Further than that there are other members who no doubt will take up the challenge. You can adjust the zoom feature at the bottom of the map and also move around by clicking off centre on it. Where you click will come to centre. I am pretty sure that the exact house will be found by others who are currently asleep.

It would appear that Great Russell Street no longer exists.

Attached are a part of the 1913 map, marking no 70 in red. Also a 1:500 scale map c 1889, which shows more detail, similarly with no 70 in red


Thank you so much for these wonderful links.

I absolutely love the pictures of the back-to-backs on Great Russell Street. It not only provides a visual perspective of the area, but a personal connection to the early years of my grandfather's life.

The Survey Map link is now in my favourites. It's a wonderful resource to have since the area has undertaken major renovations.

Again, Thank You for all your help.


Thank you! Thank you! The exact location is amazing.

Knowing my ancestors entered from the street, and the link Rupert provided with the pictures of Great Russell, I'm a very happy lady.

How does the house numbers work on the street? For example, going south towards New John Street, do the numbers decrease or increase in value? I'm trying to determine where # 17 might be (my great grandparents initially started their married life there). Is there a knack to reading these :)

I truly appreciate your help.
Then numbering started at Tower st going up the east side 1,2,3,4.... , and then down the west side. No 17 was before Brearley st, in front of a clock manufactory in 1889, and seems to be quite a big house, and not back to back , as were many in the street. 17 marked in red

Mike, your incredible!

I trust this is from the 1889? Old Ordnance Survey Map. The details are exceptional. Do you know if it's available for purchase as I would love to locate other addresses?

Thank you so much for all your help and effort.

Gail C