This is the only Holte School listed in British History Online. No other Holte School listed. Maybe someone can explain. Viv.
HOLTE GRAMMAR/COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, Whithead Road. Aston Commercial Sch. opened 1915 (ex inf. M. of Ed.) by Birm. C.B.C. as a M sch. to replace Aston Higher Elem. Schs., q.v. Admission by exam. at 13–14 yrs. (City of Birm., L.E.A. (Draft) Scheme, 1920) to candidates who had completed standard VII or passed equivalent exam. Two-yr. course (third yr. optional) preparing pupils for entry into commercial occupations. Curriculum included bk.-keeping, Eng., French, local geog. and hist., maths., Spanish, shorthand and typing, with drawing and handicraft for B and dom. sc. for G. Fees 15s. a term but 25 per cent. of admissions were to free places.(68) Additional accom. 1939. Name changed 1960 (ex. inf. M. of Ed.). N.o.b. 1961: 661.(28)