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Hockley hill post office


Staff member
cracking pic here that i have never seen before of hockley hill post office..no date but if as i suspect this was the forerunner to the one that is there now we can at least date it pre 1911...would love to find out where abouts on hockley hill it stood..i guess its possable where the post office is now...



Had a look in th e1900 & 1903 Kellys and couldn't find the Post offcie listed (though my eyes may have gone dazed and missed it). It is clearly marked in the 1932 edition though
hi mike im still looking for the tin with my kellys discs in but if as you say its marked in the 1932 kellys there much have been 2 post offices on hockley hill...i wonder now how far apart they would have been..

thanks mike..
Thanks for posting the photo Lyn. I worked at the bottom of Hockley Hill when I was 15 and had to walk up to the post office with the letters every night before I went home. That was after I finished work at 5.45 pm as well not during working hours!! Good to see it again. Would be interesting to know where the older post office was located.

hi judy same here only i had to walk down hockley hill from vyse st with the office post mind you i had to walk up and down it to work from villa street and at lunchtimes...was a bit fitter then though lol.....i am hoping that mike may come back to this thread as i would also like to know the number that the older post office was at and maybe see it on a map..

Why would there have been 2 post offcies?. It may be that they were in the same place, but for some reason not listed as such in the earlier editions (though heaven knows why)
Had a look in th e1900 & 1903 Kellys and couldn't find the Post offcie listed (though my eyes may have gone dazed and missed it). It is clearly marked in the 1932 edition though

sorry mike i may have miss read this post..the post office thats at hockley hill now was built in 1911 i presumed to replace the older one that i posted a pic of.. i was just wondering where about on hockley hill the older was situated but as you said you cant find it in kellys..oh mike ive found my kellys discs now so tomorrow i will also have a look through the early ones to see if the original post office is listed..

thanks mike..

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My dad worked out of the "big" Post Office on Hockley Hill (junction of Key Hill) during the 40s and 50s as a postman. It was mainly a sorting office then as far as I know, so maybe the smaller Post Office was at the bottom of Hockley Hill?
hi charlie that little post office must be in the kellys somewhere...im going to spend some time later on trying to find it

kellys 1878 post office.jpgjust thought i would post this..from kellys offical section 1878..as it says those marked with a * denotes they are money ordrer offices..savings bank and telegraph stations...so this is how the old hockley hill post office one post 1 was listed..

Very nice bit of research Lyn. Hadn't realised POs specialised in certain transactions. These also must have been the forerunners of the National Savings Bank (?). Also interesting in your post is the list of wall post boxes. I'd never imagined there would be a formal record of these, but how re-assuring the PO went to the trouble of compiling a record! Be interesting to see how many have survived. Enjoyed the posts. Viv.