Burbury Brummie
What has happened to the Hockley that I fondly remember as a child? My vivid memories consist of hours of joyful fun playing with my best friends in Hockley and attending a school that provided me with the education that I required and a playground full of laughter.
The only thing that I ever had to worry about was a slap off my mom/dad is ever I showed disrespect and the cane off the Headmaster for any playground incident that broke the school rules.
And yet, I here on the news yesterday that Great King Street was closed due to an incident....... not an argument, not a fist fight but a shooting?
Can someone please turn back the clock? Mabz
The only thing that I ever had to worry about was a slap off my mom/dad is ever I showed disrespect and the cane off the Headmaster for any playground incident that broke the school rules.
And yet, I here on the news yesterday that Great King Street was closed due to an incident....... not an argument, not a fist fight but a shooting?
Can someone please turn back the clock? Mabz