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Hill Sylvia Elizabeth


New Member
I am trying to pin down the mother of a friend who was according to her death certificate was born in 1934 in the Winson Green area. There is very little other cast iron information I have for her, other than where she was living in 1955 (Portland Street) and in 1957, the year she got married (Allesley Street). Both of these years she was living with a Mohammed whose name appears as Neck on their marriage certificate but also was thought to be Nick or Neil but both of those may be anglicised.
We did pick up a possible birth certificate which was a few days out from what we believed to be her birthday, however the middle name on that was Betty which I suppose is a version of Elizabeth so it could be her. This has her address as 223 Camden Street and her father was Leonard Hill and mother Edith Smith. I have traced the address back on the electoral rolls and going back he (if it still is him) becomes Alfred Elijah Leonard Hill and even has at some point an Edith Hill living with her, even a different Sylvia Hill at one point too, who could be a relative of some point.
I was wondering if there are any pictures of these roads kicking about post crash and despite it being a long shot whether anyone has any recollections of these people because I'm struggling getting any further back as well as finding summat concrete for this being the right Sylvia, because at some point someone did mention gypsy routes, but we think that could be speculation rather than fact.


Re: Sylvia Elizabeth Hill

Hello Rhys, my name is David Hill, the woman you speak of in your text I believe is my mother, I would be the eldest son. I was born in Upper Portland Street. I am the only one who remembers the family history. I would be able to tell you the whole history. If you could contact me when you get this message I would really appreciate it.