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Heneage Street


very old brummie
Hi, could anyone please help me . I'am trying to find any relatives of the Jones family who owned a butchers shop in Heneage street, in the 1920's. any photos of the shop would be a bonus. I've hit a brick wall on this one,??? especially (John Adam) Jones the son of the owner John Jones. thanks
Hello there,
Does anyone have any photographs of Heneage Street from around 1925 - 1930 ideally? I'd be grateful for any though - I don't suppose it changed much until they rebuilt the area.

Have you looked through this thread


Heneage St is mentioned a few times, and I know myself and others have put photos of the street on there. You could also try typing Heneage St into the search engine at the top of the page because there are plenty of mentions of Heneage Street on other threads.

Hi Steve this is the map you asked for HENEAGE ST IS IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT HAND CORNER,just of Dartmouth ST.
Another map for Steve. I think this is the whole lenght of Heneage St
Map date1917 scale 208 ft to 1 inch
Thanks so much Baron,

But I can't find anything that seems right. The only thing I can find starting with CHE is Chester Street, but I can't convince myself that's what is written on the certificate. I think the person who filled it out must have been a doctor...
I don't know if there is anything on the other map you originally posted, it's too low res to read properly. It would help too if I knew what the Duddeston boundaries were, not easy to check nowadays.
Steve can you post the cert with the detail you wish to solve,Iam sure someone will beable to help.
We are here to help.
Sorry but my scanner is not producing very good images??? will try to find out why and re do if you still wish to have these maps>
That last pair of maps is perfect - thank you. I shall splice these together to get an overview of the whole area, maybe then I'll find that elusive road.
great to see these maps as i have just found out i had ancestors living in heneage st in 1841....


:)HI STEVE, My mother was born in Henage st in Oct 1898.moms family name was Timmins.any info on that name? Alec,
Hello Alec,

Thanks for the message, but I only know of the Fermor family living there. I did go to school with an Arthur Timmins though '61-'67, Audley Road.
Lyn I have just shown Michael this he is almost sure the photo is taken from his Aunt Ada Bailey nee Partridge's house he says the house in the photo on the left looks like his uncle Charlie Partridge's house the houses faced each other.....Looks like youv'e done it again and made our day. I have saved it for the family tree.
To give the thread some life so to speak here is a photo of Ada and William Bailey. Uncle Bill as he was known was in the Guards he was a giant of a Man but lovely. Ada as I remember her although quite old was a tough lady as most were in those days.
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oh wow wend..i am so pleased....every so often a pic i post means something to someone...makes it all worth while...thanks for the family pic and as for them being tough in those days...have you ever seen a pic of me nan lol...and for all i know those houses could well have been where my ancestors lived in 1841...
My nan (Edith Hawkesford nee Robinson) was born at 181 Heneage St in 1910 her father was Frederick Robinson who died in 1925 her mother was Ellen Hawkesford nee Clinton, from what i understand they ran a little corner shop and made their sweets amongst other things, does this ring any bells? :)
Hi James

The 1950 Edition of Kelly's trade directory list Mrs Ellen Robinson at 182 Heneage St in 1950. This shop would have been next to the Baptist Church on the corner of Heneage St and Willis St.

I have to say honestly that I have no recollection of the shop even though I only lived in the next street and sadly I have no photos of the shop or that part of the street.

The x on this map shows the approximate position of your Nan's shop, perhaps when Mike comes on he might be able to tie it down better for you.


The numbering is a bit peculiar, in that it runs from the Chapel, 180, 180½, 181
but i am sure that number 181 is the house in red on the map below

Mikegee my best friend lived in a back house just there if you look at the map this side of the factory there are 2 little back house he lived in the nearest one to the factory,these are the only 2 back houses of that type that I can see and I,m sure they had half numbers. Dek
As you know, I have no personal knowledge of the area. The Court next to the factory was officially called Ashted Grove.. My comment on peculiar numbering was due to that there were three apparently separate buildings numbered 180, 180½, 181, shown on the map all on the main road, when i would have expected it to go 180, 181, 182
Mike which side of the factory would Ashted Grove be,the 2 houses I am referring to are behind the house you have marked in red.Dek
The entrance to Ashted Grove was next to the no 181. I attach a map c 1889, before the factory was built, showing Ashted Grove marked. Remember I did say "officially". Ashted Grove i slisted in Kellys up to at least 1950, but has gone by 1956

As you know, I have no personal knowledge of the area. The Court next to the factory was officially called Ashted Grove.. My comment on peculiar numbering was due to that there were three apparently separate buildings numbered 180, 180½, 181, shown on the map all on the main road, when i would have expected it to go 180, 181, 182


I think the whole of the area had a peculiar numbering system I lived in the next street to Heneage St in Francis St that ran parallel to it and our house number was 190A and the house next door was 190 believe me we had a lot of mixed mail when our regular postman was on holiday.

Thanks Phil/Mike/Dek those maps are superb!! would any of you have any information on a Frederick J Robinson 1871-1925 lived at same address?? :)