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Help needed


Staff member
hi all...i am looking for old maps of the area surrounding and including villa st hockley before any houses were built...trying to find out what the land was like and what was on it...

many thanks if you can help on this...

:thumbsup:hi all...i am looking for old maps of the area surrounding and including villa st hockley before any houses were built...trying to find out what the land was like and what was on it...

many thanks if you can help on this...

Ah! Lyn. Would I love to see that, or What.:)
thanks for that shirl...villa st not coverered but i will have a look at mapseekers and will also visit the library when i can...


thanks john..just the start i was looking for...not much there then just aston villa and lozells lane..i wonder if you know what that dotted line represents to the left of the shaded yellow area and also would anyone know the route that the roman road took from icknield st to sutton park....

once again many thanks for the help..

Lyn, that is the Roman road, the map I have covers from Cannock in the north to Redditch in the south, and from Stourbridge in the east to Maxstoke in the west.
It does show all the old Roman Rd.
The dotted line to the left of the yellow area is the old county boundary between Warwickshire and Staffordshire which was marked by Hockley Brook.

The generally accepted opinion nowadays is that Ickneild Street in Hockley was not the route of the Roman road as it was named as a result of a mistake by William Hutton in his book on the history of Birmingham. If you project the lines of the known Roman roads from the point at which they cross the city boundary, they all apper to meet at Selly Park Recreation Ground, a point which was taken up by Peter Leather a few years ago when he led a team of people (of which I was one) in the Birmingham Roman Roads Project to try to trace the course of the now lost Roman roads in Birmingham.
oh great...this is just confirming a theory i have had for some years now john....so would you say that the roman road ran on the ground where villa street is or at least very close. to it..difficult to say i know but i may be able to get the answer when i download the street the map i have of the area from the 60s as i am sure the mill to the right was there then...

thanks david...i may have got the wrong end of the stick...nothing unusual in that im afaid...i thought john meant the dotted line was the roman road...what i am trying to find out is if it ran anywhere near to villa street...seems like i may not be able to...

Lyn You may not be far out. I think the Roman road would have crossed Lozells Road and therefore might have crossed Villa Street or the rec ground. However there is no evidence of this that we can definately claim.
thank you john for the maps...i shall now save them and thank you too david....thats close enough to villa st for me...even if it cant be confirmed....:):)

As far as I am aware Lyn, Burbury Street and Carpenters Road were built on clay pits. Villa Street not too far away. Don't know anything about the roman road though
It seems that my interest of the maps are that of Primrose Hill being in Duddeston close to Avenue Road if I am correct. Left Of The Maps.
thanks john..just the start i was looking for...not much there then just aston villa and lozells lane..i wonder if you know what that dotted line represents to the left of the shaded yellow area and also would anyone know the route that the roman road took from icknield st to sutton park....

once again many thanks for the help..


I must say Icknield Street seems to run in line with the Roman road in Sutton Park

I have just had another look at the maps that John supplied. The one with the yellow shaded area. Have a look just north of that to where you see Birchfied House. From there going north you see a fairly straight road. If you can trace that on a modern map I thing you will find that that is Wellhead Lane Perry Barr. Then draw a straight line you will come to Kingstanding Road, then Sutton Oak Road. Then you will see that you are on the line of the Roman road in Sutton Park. Some years ago I believe that Dr Mike Hodder established that the Roman road ran, not along Kingstanding Road, but through the back gardens of the houses on the east side of the road. Now if you follow that line south, I think you will find that the line will pass your area about the Wheeler Street area which is too far to the east for Villa Street. As I said befor there is no proof of this but it is something to think about.

thanks for that map froth...david thank you also for the info..well if the road was around by wheeler st that is only a five min walk or less from villa st so not that far away and i guess maybe we may never be certain..seems i was destined to live near it as i now live in the next road to the kingstanding road...about i mins walk lol..i may get get in touch with mike and ask him if he can email me a map of what he established...thank you everyone for all this help it has been most useful and if i find out anything else i will post it for you...

hi john from a very snowy freezing brum:rolleyes: thanks everso for that map...looking at it i am only a stones throw from the roman road on the kingstanding road...a few years ago i went on the roman road walk throught sutton park..really enjoyed it but unless it was actually pointed out to you you would never know it was there...


david..i have never seen a site quite like this one and its a must see:) the amount of information and old maps is quite staggering and will take an age to read it all...i see that gt hampton row and wheeler st is mentioned as being along the trail of the roman road...thanks very much for this as i am sure a lot of members will find this link most interesting..

i will start going through it tonight...

