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he answered his country's call



I am in possession of a silver pendant with on the obverse a picture in relief of what looks like a ww1 soldier and on the reverse is engraved stg silver. the pendant is approx one and quarter inches in length and approx one inch wide. Someone told me it could be American because there is no hallmark. I would dearly love to know where it came from. The only thing I can think of is the fact that my grandfather was killed in Jerusalem in 1916 and is buried there. He was a soldier in the Somerset regiment and his name was Charles Oliver Hale His mothers name was Minnie Oliver. Could it be a death souvenir sent to my grandmother or am I barking up the wrong tree. Does anyone know what it can be? Please can anyone help or direct me to the right archives. If anyone needs to see a picture they can PM me and I will send a photo of it. Thanks
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Maggie, it is not a good idea to put your email on here. Remove it by the 'edit post' option. Members can always send you an instant message that only you can see (top of the page, notifications).
You can post a picture on here so we can all see it - use - Go advanced - manage attatchments when posting.
The pendant sounds lovely.
Polly :)
Thanks Polly-- someone had already removed it. I am very new to this and also a silver surfer so I hope people will bear with me, I will try to post a picture
please can anyone tell this very new blogger how to attach a photo of the pendant i am trying to find out about.i am using an apple emac using OS X version 10.4.11.My photos are on ipages and I have got it into the file upload manager and it is in format STA72766.JPEG size 3.32MB but from there on it doesn't seem to want to do anything else. I am sure it is me but I do not what to do now.
Hi Maggie, glad someone removed your email - better to be safe. Welcome to the site - it is a very friendly site and no-one will shout if you get something wrong (they didn't shout at me when I got things wrong). I'm not that good with pictures myself but maybe the MB is too big - you can usually get round this by making the picture a bit smaller in size before trying to upload it to this site.
My grandfather and great Uncle were in the Somerset Light Infantry.
Maggie 1," Go Advanced "on your forum page
2,Scroll down and click on "manage Attachments"
3,a new window will appear click on "add Files"
4 find required picture and insert. Dek
Hi Dek
I can choose and open the photo and it goes into a little box which asks me to Select Files Upload Files or Clear List If I click on Upload Files it does nothing If I click on Clear List the Jpeg photo details disappear and Select Files goes to my photos in ipages. If I click on insert attachment it asks me to drag uploaded files into the attachment area. I get the impression that the JPEG photo will not upload. I am sure that everyone is shouting at their computers telling what to do but I have no idea how to hear them!
Maggie - when the photo is in the little box, click on it so that a tick appears in the corner, then click on Insert Attachment and then submit your reply.

I am eager to see it now, the suspense is overwhelming!
HI Aiden
So many people are trying to help me to get this photo on the site but my computer just will not have it at all. I go into manage attachments, then click on add files, all photos come I choose the one I want and click open. The jpeg details come into the little box but from there on in nothing happens. I tried clicking on Upload Files, tried to drag the file down into the blue box at the bottom and tried to click on the file itself to get the tick, but it will not obey anything I ask it to do. the only thing I can think of is that I have a old emac running Safari and the programme is not compatible. Other than putting my email address on site which I am not advised to do I do not know how to get this photo on site. It is a beautiful item and I would love to know what it is but at this rate ..... and I know everyone is trying to help.
Thanks Maggie
Here is Maggies lovely pendant. It was worth waiting for.

Together we managed to post it - that's what this forum is all about: working together!:)
Polly is an angel in disguise I would not have got this on without her help and also a big thank you to everyone else who tried to help. I just need someone now to recognise what it is. The description is is in my previous posts but just in case the pendant is approx 1 and a quarter inches in length and approx threequarters of an inch wide with a handsome soldier? in relief on the front and STGSILVER on the reverse NO hallmark so I guess it's not English.
Thanks again Polly.
hi maggie...well what a lovely pendant...i do hope that someone can help you trace the origin of it

In Memory of
Private C HALE

241505, 1st/5th Bn., Somerset Light Infantry
who died
on 23 November 1917

Remembered with honour

This is your grandads last resting place.
I have never seen a similar pendant,however the sterling silver stamp as no significance it just means 92% pure silver.
Whatever,just wear it with pride..
Lovely picture Ray.
I wonder if this pendant was issued to the next of kin? 'He answered his country's call' does seem to be in the past tense?
Polly :)
Having given this mystery pendant more thought,it could be unique, a one off.
If, Maggie has any jewellers in the family,they could have made it from an old spoon,don't forget Brummies are very clever at this sort of thing.:)
Thanks ray
Yes I have a photo of Granddads grave in jerusalem Would love to go but disability prevents me. Only thing I cannot understand is why my nan has the pendant when they were separated ( quite acrimoniously I believe) and she was in Australia when he died. Unless it was sent to Liverpool to her last known address and the family kept it. Pity it isn't inscribed if it was a memorial from the War Office.I now know a little more and through the site eventually I may be completely enlightened.
Thanks Lyn
Me too. Ray ( The Hobgoblin) has kindly sent me a photo of Granddads grave and he wonders if someone could have made it as a one off. All possible I suppose but as far as I know we have no jewelers in the family, Skin dressers,Bill posters, Artists, i will go back into my family tree again and check though.
we would love to know if you find out anything more maggie...best of luck
