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Harrison Jewellers in Birmingham and Handsworth


proper brummie kid
I am researching my Harrison links in Birmingham and I would be grateful and interested in any information on the family:

My four-times Great-Grandfather is Henry Harrison (1786, Birmingham and died 1864, Handsworth) married Sarah (1791, Birmingham and died 1856, Handsworth). Henry was a Jeweller and moved to Handsworth sometime between 1841-51 and lived in Mayfield House and in 1861 he is described as a House and Land holder and in his will is decribed as a "Gentleman", so he must have done well for himself..

The eldest sons Henry (1813) and joseph (1815) went into business together - perhaps taking over the family jewelry business...

In the Slater's Directory of 1846, there is an entry for Henry and Joseph Harrison, based at 4 Howard Street, Birmingham as "Manufacturing Jewellers". The entry is repeated in the 1863 Directory and includes the comment "and real Jet ornament manufacturers" - They also appear in the "Gilt Toy Makers" catagory as well.

Details of Henry and Sarah's children are as follows:

1). Henry (1813) married Eliza Simpson (1812-1879) and they have children Joseph (1838) and Albert (1840)... once again the sons have Silversmith and Jewellery Making links...

Albert's daughter Marion Jane married Sydney Walter Reeves, the son of Walter Reeves the well respected Victorian landscape artist. Other sibbling marriages have links to Silversmith families - most notably to the Stokes and Ireland company...

2). Joseph (1815) married Harriet Nind (1818-1872), who was reputedly a wealthy heiress... Their son was Frederick (1854-1881), but I do not know if he married.

3 & 4). Daughters Ann (1817) and Maria (1819) appear in 1841, but disapear off the radar - No maariages have been found that I believe to match... So any information here would be appreciated.

5). Son John (1821) was also a Jeweller and he is my 3x great Grandfather and he is a bit of an enigma... Marrying Ann Mountford and having a Son; Alfred Mountford Harrison (1842)... But then "disapearing" from the family home... This is the only "absolute" known... But...

In the 1851 John is recorded with another family of "wife" and 2 children... and again with another family in the Census reports between 1861-1881 with anoother "wife" and a further 7 children... John died in 1891 and is described in his will as a "Gentleman"... I hope to put another posting on this Forum relating to these family members and the story that I have built around him...

As I have been unable to locate records of the second or third "marriages", I am really keen to look into this area and identify the ladies and complete the story... I would love to publish this story...

6). Son William (1823-before 1830)

7). Son George (1824) dies sometime before 1855, but is listed as a Jeweller in 1851 - I do not know if he married...

8). Son Edwin Albert (1826-1876) is the "odd son out" and he became a Solicitor rather than Jeweller.. He marriesd his Landlady Isabella Walton... There were 5 children from her first marriage - and Edwin Albert and Isabella had children; Isabella (1858) and Edwin Albert (1859) who was also a Jeweller and Goldsmith...

9). Daughter Sarah (1828-1874) married William Aston (1827-1881) and he is the Son of Thomas Aston - The well reputed Father and Son Manufacturing Silversmiths Aston & Son. There were no children as far as I am aware.

Two childrern from Thomas Astons second marriage were Henry Hyde Aston: a short lived and collected silversmith working from 1959 until his untimely death in 1863. Also Charles Hyde Aston who was a wedding ring manufacturer.

10). Daughter Mary Ann (1830) appears in the 1841 Census and then, like her Sisters Ann and Maria, disapears off the radar...

11). Son William (1831) is the only untraceable Son - he is with the family in Birmingham in the 1841 Census, but then no trace...

It would seem that most of the Harrison family moved to and lived around the Handsworth area as well as Birmingham.

So, if anyone by any chance matches to the above named characters or knows of any more information relating to the Harrisons (especially the three daughters) or the extended family or businnesses - I would be very interested and pleased to hear more...

Any information on jet manufacturing in Birmingham would be much appreciated as I have found nothing on this work in the various records...

I look forward to any responses.


David Babb-Farrell
Don’t know if any of this is of help, all from directories:

1823 Harrison Henry, jeweller and victualler, 26, Great Hampton-street
1829-33 Harrison Henrv, goldsmith & jeweller, Howard st
1839-41 Harrison Henrv, jeweller, 4 Howard st
1845-55 Harrison, Henry & Joseph, manufacturing goldsmiths &
jewellers, 4 Howard Street.
1858 Harrison H & J, goldsmiths & jewellers 4½ Howard St (Henry Harrison, goldsmith, residence, Soho Hill)
1862 Harrison Henry . jeweller 5 Howard St, residence Soho Hill

In addition in 1818 there is Harrison Joseph, jeweller, Great Hampton-street
Hi Mike

Many thanks for the swift response - Some very useful information gleaned there, some reconfirms my own discoveries, but some new information as well.

1823 Harrison Henry, Jeweler and Victualler, 26, Great Hampton Street

- My 4x Great Grandfather - I would guess, although I didn't know of him being a Victualler as well...

1829-33 Harrison *Henry, Goldsmith & *Jeweler, *Howard Street*

- My 4x Great Grandfather..

1839-41 Harrison *Henry, *Jeweler, 4 *Howard Street*

- My 4x Great Grandfather.. or 3x great Uncle...?

1845-55 Harrison, Henry & Joseph, Manufacturing Goldsmiths & Jewelers, 4 Howard Street.

- By this time, I had assumed that Henry & Joseph were my 3x Great Uncles, both of whom were Jewelers...

1858 Harrison H & J, Goldsmiths & Jewelers 4½ Howard Street (Henry Harrison, Goldsmith, residence, Soho Hill)

- Interesting to see the address given as 4 1/2, not the previously 5 Howard Street!

1862 Harrison Henry . Jeweler 5 Howard Street, residence Soho Hill

- These entries confirm that Henry & Joseph are the brothers, my 3x great Uncles.... Henry jnr was definitely living in Soho Hill

In addition in 1818 there is Harrison Joseph, Jeweler, Great Hampton-Street

...and this is the revelation!:biggrin: This could be an unknown brother (to me) of Henry snr.... especially as you have listed Henry in Great Hampton Street in 1823... and definitely something for me to chase up...

Many thanks indeed - Very much appreciated

Best wishes

Its a little later than your posts, but my great grandfather William Harrison is listed in the Kelly's Directory for circa 1912 as a Jeweller in Albion Street in the Jewellery Quarter.
Hi Dave
Glad it was useful. Just a couple of other points.
I wouldn’t bother too much about the 4½ rather than 4 Howard St. Often at that time people seemed to have just given what they thought an address was . It is not uncommon for a house to go up or down one figure for a year, and then go back to what it was before. On a couple of occasions this has made the exact numbering around a junction difficult to determine, as in one year ia number is one side, but the next year the other side of the junction.
Victualler is very often used to describe some form of licensed premises (even if it doesn’t say licensed victualler), but no 26 Gt Hampton St was certainly not licensed in 1841 and after
Hi kdharrison
What number in Albion St was William Harrison?. I can't seem to find him in my Kellys for 1912
Hello again Mike

Strange parallels... my grandfather Charles Moses married an Ella Palmerwhose Semper roots came from Bath - my 4x great Grandfather Edward Semper was a TrunkMaker and Victualler... I was in the happy position in May of walking around the original premises (now a lighting shop!). There was a lot of architectural details in the building to give clues as to its original use, including an inner-bow front to the building that enabled the coaches to turn in the street directly outside the front of the building!

I do enjoy seeking out the locations of my ancestors and I am lucky enough (by huge coincidence) to be just a few miles down the road from where my Palmer ancestors originated... A pub was included there as well! :)

Hopefully I will get the opportunity to take a couple of trips up to Birmngham and Handsworth - I have sooo much to follow up on at the Library and record office!...

Oh well, back to the children and the washing up!

David Babb-Farrell

Thanks for the reply - Would your William be the son (b.1866) of Joseph and Emma?

I would be interested in establishing a link... I could email a genealogy report detailing my Harrisons if you wish.


David Babb-Farrell
David, I have no knowledge of any further back than William Harrison. I was told that his middle name was "Darling", by my grandmother. I may have got the year wrong in the Kelly's directory, but in 1912 my grandfather Harry Harrison was born and William Harrison was living in Sutton Coldfield (on the Boldmere Road)
Good evening

I would be happy to and interested in looking into this for you - and who knows, there could be a link between our Harrisons...

David Babb-Farrell
Hi David 22nd April,2012

I have come across your posting on the Birmingham History Forum.

My paternal grand mother Minnie Fisher nee Harrison (1874-1957 ) was the daughter of Alfred Mountford Harrison (1842 - 1911 ). He was the son of John Harrison (born 1821 - date of death not known ). John was the son of Henry Harrison ( 1786 -1854 ). Henry and John were jewellers. Henry had a number of other children, some of whom were also jewellers - Henry ( born 1813 ), Joseph ( born 1815 ) and George ( born 1824 ). ) One of Henry's children who was not a jeweller was Edwin Albert (1826 -1876 ). He was a solicitor ( coincidentally so am I). I acquired all of this information from my cousin, Rita, who has undertaken a massive amount of research. I have accessed some Public Notices which Edwin placed in the London Gazette. His practice address was 19 Newhall St, Birmingham.The father of the Henry who was born in 1786 was also a Henry - born 1760. Do you have any information about him or the family earlier than 1760 - and also details of the connections with the Stokes and Ireland families?

Best regards and perhaps we can keep in touch-Peter H. Fisher( K2phf@blueyonder,co.uk )

Hi DaveJvu & Peter Fisher
I am connected to the Harrison jewellers through my great grandmother, Florence Emily Harrison (1864), who married William Bushell. Florence was the oldest daughter of Joseph (1837) and Emma (1839).
I would be interesting in sharing views and information about the early family.
All the best
New Zealand
Good evening / morning Cousin Peter! :fat:

It is nearly 11:30 hear in the UK and I am about to hit the sheets after a long day out... Great to hear from you and I will be replying in full very soon... All ready to share what information I have...

Speak very soon.

David Babb-Farrell

Hello Peters!

I feel like the odd one out being called David :friendly_wink:

Sorry I have not replied earlier... A busy week off here at home with my young daughters at the start of the Summer holidays... and watching the Olympics!

If you wish to converse off-line, I can prepare something directly off my Family tree to provide you with an overview of the Harrisons as I have researched many of the lines from Henry (born @ 1760) downwards...

Best regards

David Babb-Farrell
Harwell, Oxfordshire
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Hi Peter & also David

I have made two attempts at a detailed reply to Peter's posting but they disappeared into the ether. Peter, my home email address is [email]K2phf@blueyonder.co.uk[/EMAIL]. Please email me your email address. However if the Forum, on security grounds, delete my email address , please visit my firm's website -www.beechamfisherridley.co.uk.and click on to "who we are" and then on to my name . This will bring up my details and my office email address. You can then email me at the office with your email address.

Best regards

Peter Fisher
Yes they are my great grandmother and grandfather too.Have just discovered the New Zealand connection in the last few weeks so have been expanding the family rapidly. Would be lovely to hear from you.
Hi Mike, I have read your postings on this forum and I wonder where you fit into the Harrison family tree and whether you are descended from Henry Harrison ( born 1786). He was my great great great grandfather. My paternal grand mother was Minnie Harrison (born 1874). Her father was Alfred Mountford Harrison ( born 1842). He was the son of John Harrison (born1821). John was a jeweller and may have ben in the family business of Henry and Joseph Harrison, his two older brothers. They were three of the 11 children of Henry Harrison (born 1786 ) Peter Fisher
Hi peter
I seem to be the only Mike who has contributed to this thread. I am not connected to the family, but was merely providing information
Hello again - I would really like to pick up on our conversation again regarding the shared Harrison ancestry... Especially as I am in the planning stage of a trip to Birmingham.... Hoping to visit the family plot in the Kings Hill cemetary... I would be happy to take the oportunity to look into anything for you too... and establish our connection.

Best regards

David Babb-Farrell
My apologies - It should have read Key Hill Cemetary - L22 Catacomb 7, to be exact.

My excuse "it was far too late and I should have been in bed!"

You win the prize for spooting the deliberate mistake of the day. :friendly_wink:

Hello to the Henry Harrison family hunters,

It was a big surprise when put "Henry Harrison Master Jeweller" in the search engineer and this thread turned up!

I've only just started looking into my family tree about a month ago and just got a lot of information from my Father about his Mothers side (Harrison) and here I am!

So my link is

Peter Hawkins (yes another Peter!) - Peter Hawkins (Father, can't have too many Peters) - Elsie May Harrison (my Nan b1906) - William Charles Harrison b1865 (Great Grandfather) - Joseph Henry Harrison b 1837 (GG GF) - Henry Harrison b1813 (GGG GF)- Henry Harrison b1786 (GGGG GF)

Very spooky we are all looking!!!
Hello Cousin Peter Mk.III !

I am seriously thinking about putting out an appeal for more Davids (or others) to respond! :)

I am just about to serve up tea to my ever demanding daughters - So I shall respond in full a little later... but could not resist a quick response now and glad I logged on now in preparation for a busy evening!

Speak soon

Hi David, great to hear from you

Introducing William Harrison, my Great Grand Father, (if this attachment worked) I've got a lot of interest memories from my father (now 83) that I'm trying to look into.

Firstly what do you think of the uniform? Police?

best regards

Hi Peter

Well - Really nice to see a picture on the Harrison side so far back in time.... I don't think it is a military uniform (willing to be corrected!) and like you, I think a police uniform is likely... Cannot say that there is a family likeness... I guess that we are too diluted down the generations!

Lots of references to the Henry's and Joseph in the Birmingham papers on-line - Sadly all before photgraphy was used to illustrate the stories!

Back soon.. Now in "putting to bed" mode... This could be a long job as it is half term - Tomorrow night will be worse with friends coming for a sleep-over.... a misnomer if there ever was one! :friendly_wink:

I did wonder if it might be, a lot of the Police uniforms I've seen have numbers on the collar.

What I know of William Charles Harrison (my Great Grandfather)

1865 March 5 - Born in Church Street, Aston Manor, Edgbaston
He married Kate Caroll who died and then married her sister Bridena Carroll (My Father remembers been told that the "family" wasn't happy about him being involved with the Caroll's, haven't found anything about the Caroll family.
1926 Living in 19 Severn Side South, Bewdley, Worcestershire where his Daughter Elsie meets and married my Grandfather Frederick Hawkins. The Marriage Cert states he was a Baker / Traveller

My father also remembers the following;

William use to travel around "big house" sales
And most interesting, which is the main reason for starting this search, my Father remembers been told by his Grandfather Harrison that Witley Court (which belonged to the Earl of Dudley) was "in the Family".
Witley Court is not far from where I live and is worth a look if you not been, it would be great if a link can be found.

Now having looked into the Harrison family, they were doing well but haven't found a link with Witley Court although I've only just start looking.