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Hagley Road


master brummie
There is a photo in the book Small Houses of the Georgian Period, but the author does not give the location. Does anyone know where it might have been?
(Please note there was originally photo in this post but it has been lost. Viv).
Is it on the left, going out of town, between Highfiled Road and Chad Rd? Not the one on the corner of Highfield Rd, but further along, opposite the Oratory entrance? If I get a chance later in the week, I'll drive round that way.
I know the properties that you are thinking of, Leslam, but they lack the distinctive rays above the windows. I am inclined to think that the house in the photo has been demolished.
thats where father mcCormac the holly priest of the holly oratary lived when he was the head of the church preist hood
and it was afew yards from the main gates of the holly church the two tall building just in view of either side are two big buildimg one was the st phillips
roman catholic school which had a rear exit in plough andharrow rd and a front exit in the hagley rd [ thats the right hand side of the house the left hand side is the actual the front entrance to the church but you cannot see them onlt the top of the side of the building
best wishes astonian ;
I am really impressed that you have been able to identify the mystery house, Astonian. Thank you. Roughly when would Father McCormac have lived there? Was the house replaced by the modern building on the corner of Hagley Rd & Plough & Harrow Rd?
Hi bordeslyexile
yes it was an adorable looking property in fact the whole block did right up to the church entrance ;
with its wrought iron gates
and in between that house and the church was a series of building which housed the nuns for there communual working around the area
and some was teaching in the school they actualy lived in the convent down the rd in westbourne house
and ajoining them was the vestry;where you would go into meet the preist and sort any problems you may wish to discuss with him or arrange a funeral service or marriges arrangements if you ever want to go into that bulding of the oratary you will be amazed its a fantasic building through out
the corodorsof the church and its fore court its well worth alook around
i think it was around the 1958-9 period they built the new building not much later than that
westbourne house was changed from the nunery to a big high security trust unit it replaced the vaults of the under grounded vaults that was with in the lloyeds big bank that stands on broad street it more security than fort knocks beleive me with in its self
i cannot say no more on that on that subject but getting back on the house house on hagley rd
bordesly have a nice day ; best wishes astonian
Much appreciated, Astonian. If I have understood correctly Fr McCormack's house is shown between what was then Edgbaston Estate Office & the school on this 1888 map. Some decades previous to Fr McCormack living there it had been the residence of the Edgbaston Estate Manager.
Whilst I agree the picture is by the Oratory I still can't place it eactly
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This is view today taken from Google Street View. From the left we see the entrance to the church which is set back from the road through a cloister. Above that is the old school room. Next to that is the Oratory House where the priests live and past that is Newland House, an office building dating from about 1960. The Oratory House does not look like the house in the picture or the house next door.
I,ve been keeping up with this thread I remember this house but I have a recollection of it being closer to town 3 or 4 doors past the Plough & Harrow. Just a gut feeling. Dek
hi guys
it was about three or four doors from the news ageny shop just as you are walking towards the church entrace
it was not on the cornerof plough and harrow rd at all
once you start walking along from the ivy bush pub there is a row of shops which are still standing today at the very end of the row of shops
there was a sreies of these houses that lay back from the shops and it was two doors or three in passing the end shop which was the house
best wishes astonian
There's a row of Regency houses near there (towards town), that have been turned into offices. Would it have been one of these? They lie back from the road.
Am begining to think that this was where the St Philips Sixth Form Centre is now. That is a 1960s building and there is a terrace of Georgian or Regency buildings at right angles to the Hagley Road next to the end of the row of shops at the Ivy Bush which I suspect could be the building you can just see to the left of the photo. This would agree with what Astonian has said
I seem to remember a robbery/murder, on the hagley road newsagents, I seem to remember it was not far from the Ladywood road end, sometime in the early 1960's I remember my mom and dad talking about it, I think the men were hanged.

I have no idea, so I'm going to stick my neck out and say nowhere near our Birmingham is there a "Birm" anywhere in England or in the world for that matter. If they were going to the bother of forming a cast iron plate to fix to a milestone that had probably been here for years surely they would have made it big enough to take the whole name.
Victoria road Aston approaching the old six ways before the ring road was built
Or approaching the old Dartford road approaching old Dartford circus

It's on Hagley Road just outside Lyndon House which is just past the new shops and Morrisons Supermarket. I only found it thanks to Viv's photo.

By the way in answer to "don't know where to put this." next time you have something like this try "Made in Brum" "Old Photographs" . "old & new Brum pictures" and then start a new thread under the title "where is this?" that's where I always used to put this sort of thing.

Don't know how I missed Passertby's post, sorry about that
Just over a week ago we went over to Coventry to my uncles 90th. We came back that way heading for Worcester. We got stuck in a bit of traffic just at that point. Strange how that stuck in my head when nothing else seems to. Took me ages going up and down Hayley Road on google street view to find it. All I could remember is that it was on that road. That is one long road....